<?php /* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\GoogleListingsAndAds\Vendor\Google\Auth; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; use Automattic\WooCommerce\GoogleListingsAndAds\Vendor\Google\Auth\HttpHandler\HttpClientCache; use Automattic\WooCommerce\GoogleListingsAndAds\Vendor\Google\Auth\HttpHandler\HttpHandlerFactory; use Automattic\WooCommerce\GoogleListingsAndAds\Vendor\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query; use Automattic\WooCommerce\GoogleListingsAndAds\Vendor\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request; use Automattic\WooCommerce\GoogleListingsAndAds\Vendor\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils; use InvalidArgumentException; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface; /** * OAuth2 supports authentication by OAuth2 2-legged flows. * * It primary supports * - service account authorization * - authorization where a user already has an access token */ class OAuth2 implements FetchAuthTokenInterface { const DEFAULT_EXPIRY_SECONDS = 3600; // 1 hour const DEFAULT_SKEW_SECONDS = 60; // 1 minute const JWT_URN = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer'; /** * TODO: determine known methods from the keys of JWT::methods. * * @var array<string> */ public static $knownSigningAlgorithms = [ 'HS256', 'HS512', 'HS384', 'RS256', ]; /** * The well known grant types. * * @var array<string> */ public static $knownGrantTypes = [ 'authorization_code', 'refresh_token', 'password', 'client_credentials', ]; /** * - authorizationUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of * authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * @var ?UriInterface */ private $authorizationUri; /** * - tokenCredentialUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing * tokens and refreshing expired tokens. * * @var UriInterface */ private $tokenCredentialUri; /** * The redirection URI used in the initial request. * * @var ?string */ private $redirectUri; /** * A unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * @var string */ private $clientId; /** * A shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which is * used to authenticate the client. * * @var string */ private $clientSecret; /** * The resource owner's username. * * @var ?string */ private $username; /** * The resource owner's password. * * @var ?string */ private $password; /** * The scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array or as a * space-delimited string. * * @var ?array<string> */ private $scope; /** * An arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * @var string */ private $state; /** * The authorization code issued to this client. * * Only used by the authorization code access grant type. * * @var ?string */ private $code; /** * The issuer ID when using assertion profile. * * @var ?string */ private $issuer; /** * The target audience for assertions. * * @var string */ private $audience; /** * The target sub when issuing assertions. * * @var string */ private $sub; /** * The number of seconds assertions are valid for. * * @var int */ private $expiry; /** * The signing key when using assertion profile. * * @var ?string */ private $signingKey; /** * The signing key id when using assertion profile. Param kid in jwt header * * @var string */ private $signingKeyId; /** * The signing algorithm when using an assertion profile. * * @var ?string */ private $signingAlgorithm; /** * The refresh token associated with the access token to be refreshed. * * @var ?string */ private $refreshToken; /** * The current access token. * * @var string */ private $accessToken; /** * The current ID token. * * @var string */ private $idToken; /** * The lifetime in seconds of the current access token. * * @var ?int */ private $expiresIn; /** * The expiration time of the access token as a number of seconds since the * unix epoch. * * @var ?int */ private $expiresAt; /** * The issue time of the access token as a number of seconds since the unix * epoch. * * @var ?int */ private $issuedAt; /** * The current grant type. * * @var ?string */ private $grantType; /** * When using an extension grant type, this is the set of parameters used by * that extension. * * @var array<mixed> */ private $extensionParams; /** * When using the toJwt function, these claims will be added to the JWT * payload. * * @var array<mixed> */ private $additionalClaims; /** * Create a new OAuthCredentials. * * The configuration array accepts various options * * - authorizationUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of * authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * - tokenCredentialUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing * tokens and refreshing expired tokens. * * - clientId * A unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * - clientSecret * A shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, * which is used to authenticate the client. * * - scope * The scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array * or as a space-delimited String. * * - state * An arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * - redirectUri * The redirection URI used in the initial request. * * - username * The resource owner's username. * * - password * The resource owner's password. * * - issuer * Issuer ID when using assertion profile * * - audience * Target audience for assertions * * - expiry * Number of seconds assertions are valid for * * - signingKey * Signing key when using assertion profile * * - signingKeyId * Signing key id when using assertion profile * * - refreshToken * The refresh token associated with the access token * to be refreshed. * * - accessToken * The current access token for this client. * * - idToken * The current ID token for this client. * * - extensionParams * When using an extension grant type, this is the set of parameters used * by that extension. * * @param array<mixed> $config Configuration array */ public function __construct(array $config) { $opts = array_merge([ 'expiry' => self::DEFAULT_EXPIRY_SECONDS, 'extensionParams' => [], 'authorizationUri' => null, 'redirectUri' => null, 'tokenCredentialUri' => null, 'state' => null, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'clientId' => null, 'clientSecret' => null, 'issuer' => null, 'sub' => null, 'audience' => null, 'signingKey' => null, 'signingKeyId' => null, 'signingAlgorithm' => null, 'scope' => null, 'additionalClaims' => [], ], $config); $this->setAuthorizationUri($opts['authorizationUri']); $this->setRedirectUri($opts['redirectUri']); $this->setTokenCredentialUri($opts['tokenCredentialUri']); $this->setState($opts['state']); $this->setUsername($opts['username']); $this->setPassword($opts['password']); $this->setClientId($opts['clientId']); $this->setClientSecret($opts['clientSecret']); $this->setIssuer($opts['issuer']); $this->setSub($opts['sub']); $this->setExpiry($opts['expiry']); $this->setAudience($opts['audience']); $this->setSigningKey($opts['signingKey']); $this->setSigningKeyId($opts['signingKeyId']); $this->setSigningAlgorithm($opts['signingAlgorithm']); $this->setScope($opts['scope']); $this->setExtensionParams($opts['extensionParams']); $this->setAdditionalClaims($opts['additionalClaims']); $this->updateToken($opts); } /** * Verifies the idToken if present. * * - if none is present, return null * - if present, but invalid, raises DomainException. * - otherwise returns the payload in the idtoken as a PHP object. * * The behavior of this method varies depending on the version of * `firebase/php-jwt` you are using. In versions 6.0 and above, you cannot * provide multiple $allowed_algs, and instead must provide an array of Key * objects as the $publicKey. * * @param string|Key|Key[] $publicKey The public key to use to authenticate the token * @param string|array<string> $allowed_algs algorithm or array of supported verification algorithms. * Providing more than one algorithm will throw an exception. * @throws \DomainException if the token is missing an audience. * @throws \DomainException if the audience does not match the one set in * the OAuth2 class instance. * @throws \UnexpectedValueException If the token is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If more than one value for allowed_algs is supplied * @throws \Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException If the signature is invalid. * @throws \Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException If the token is not yet valid. * @throws \Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException If the token has expired. * @return null|object */ public function verifyIdToken($publicKey = null, $allowed_algs = []) { $idToken = $this->getIdToken(); if (is_null($idToken)) { return null; } $resp = $this->jwtDecode($idToken, $publicKey, $allowed_algs); if (!property_exists($resp, 'aud')) { throw new \DomainException('No audience found the id token'); } if ($resp->aud != $this->getAudience()) { throw new \DomainException('Wrong audience present in the id token'); } return $resp; } /** * Obtains the encoded jwt from the instance data. * * @param array<mixed> $config array optional configuration parameters * @return string */ public function toJwt(array $config = []) { if (is_null($this->getSigningKey())) { throw new \DomainException('No signing key available'); } if (is_null($this->getSigningAlgorithm())) { throw new \DomainException('No signing algorithm specified'); } $now = time(); $opts = array_merge([ 'skew' => self::DEFAULT_SKEW_SECONDS, ], $config); $assertion = [ 'iss' => $this->getIssuer(), 'exp' => ($now + $this->getExpiry()), 'iat' => ($now - $opts['skew']), ]; foreach ($assertion as $k => $v) { if (is_null($v)) { throw new \DomainException($k . ' should not be null'); } } if (!(is_null($this->getAudience()))) { $assertion['aud'] = $this->getAudience(); } if (!(is_null($this->getScope()))) { $assertion['scope'] = $this->getScope(); } if (empty($assertion['scope']) && empty($assertion['aud'])) { throw new \DomainException('one of scope or aud should not be null'); } if (!(is_null($this->getSub()))) { $assertion['sub'] = $this->getSub(); } $assertion += $this->getAdditionalClaims(); return JWT::encode( $assertion, $this->getSigningKey(), $this->getSigningAlgorithm(), $this->getSigningKeyId() ); } /** * Generates a request for token credentials. * * @return RequestInterface the authorization Url. */ public function generateCredentialsRequest() { $uri = $this->getTokenCredentialUri(); if (is_null($uri)) { throw new \DomainException('No token credential URI was set.'); } $grantType = $this->getGrantType(); $params = ['grant_type' => $grantType]; switch ($grantType) { case 'authorization_code': $params['code'] = $this->getCode(); $params['redirect_uri'] = $this->getRedirectUri(); $this->addClientCredentials($params); break; case 'password': $params['username'] = $this->getUsername(); $params['password'] = $this->getPassword(); $this->addClientCredentials($params); break; case 'refresh_token': $params['refresh_token'] = $this->getRefreshToken(); $this->addClientCredentials($params); break; case self::JWT_URN: $params['assertion'] = $this->toJwt(); break; default: if (!is_null($this->getRedirectUri())) { # Grant type was supposed to be 'authorization_code', as there # is a redirect URI. throw new \DomainException('Missing authorization code'); } unset($params['grant_type']); if (!is_null($grantType)) { $params['grant_type'] = $grantType; } $params = array_merge($params, $this->getExtensionParams()); } $headers = [ 'Cache-Control' => 'no-store', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', ]; return new Request( 'POST', $uri, $headers, Query::build($params) ); } /** * Fetches the auth tokens based on the current state. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array<mixed> the response */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { if (is_null($httpHandler)) { $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); } $response = $httpHandler($this->generateCredentialsRequest()); $credentials = $this->parseTokenResponse($response); $this->updateToken($credentials); return $credentials; } /** * Obtains a key that can used to cache the results of #fetchAuthToken. * * The key is derived from the scopes. * * @return ?string a key that may be used to cache the auth token. */ public function getCacheKey() { if (is_array($this->scope)) { return implode(':', $this->scope); } if ($this->audience) { return $this->audience; } // If scope has not set, return null to indicate no caching. return null; } /** * Parses the fetched tokens. * * @param ResponseInterface $resp the response. * @return array<mixed> the tokens parsed from the response body. * @throws \Exception */ public function parseTokenResponse(ResponseInterface $resp) { $body = (string)$resp->getBody(); if ($resp->hasHeader('Content-Type') && $resp->getHeaderLine('Content-Type') == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) { $res = []; parse_str($body, $res); return $res; } // Assume it's JSON; if it's not throw an exception if (null === $res = json_decode($body, true)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid JSON response'); } return $res; } /** * Updates an OAuth 2.0 client. * * Example: * ``` * $oauth->updateToken([ * 'refresh_token' => 'n4E9O119d', * 'access_token' => 'FJQbwq9', * 'expires_in' => 3600 * ]); * ``` * * @param array<mixed> $config * The configuration parameters related to the token. * * - refresh_token * The refresh token associated with the access token * to be refreshed. * * - access_token * The current access token for this client. * * - id_token * The current ID token for this client. * * - expires_in * The time in seconds until access token expiration. * * - expires_at * The time as an integer number of seconds since the Epoch * * - issued_at * The timestamp that the token was issued at. * @return void */ public function updateToken(array $config) { $opts = array_merge([ 'extensionParams' => [], 'access_token' => null, 'id_token' => null, 'expires_in' => null, 'expires_at' => null, 'issued_at' => null, ], $config); $this->setExpiresAt($opts['expires_at']); $this->setExpiresIn($opts['expires_in']); // By default, the token is issued at `Time.now` when `expiresIn` is set, // but this can be used to supply a more precise time. if (!is_null($opts['issued_at'])) { $this->setIssuedAt($opts['issued_at']); } $this->setAccessToken($opts['access_token']); $this->setIdToken($opts['id_token']); // The refresh token should only be updated if a value is explicitly // passed in, as some access token responses do not include a refresh // token. if (array_key_exists('refresh_token', $opts)) { $this->setRefreshToken($opts['refresh_token']); } } /** * Builds the authorization Uri that the user should be redirected to. * * @param array<mixed> $config configuration options that customize the return url * @return UriInterface the authorization Url. * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function buildFullAuthorizationUri(array $config = []) { if (is_null($this->getAuthorizationUri())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'requires an authorizationUri to have been set' ); } $params = array_merge([ 'response_type' => 'code', 'access_type' => 'offline', 'client_id' => $this->clientId, 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri, 'state' => $this->state, 'scope' => $this->getScope(), ], $config); // Validate the auth_params if (is_null($params['client_id'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'missing the required client identifier' ); } if (is_null($params['redirect_uri'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('missing the required redirect URI'); } if (!empty($params['prompt']) && !empty($params['approval_prompt'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'prompt and approval_prompt are mutually exclusive' ); } // Construct the uri object; return it if it is valid. $result = clone $this->authorizationUri; $existingParams = Query::parse($result->getQuery()); $result = $result->withQuery( Query::build(array_merge($existingParams, $params)) ); if ($result->getScheme() != 'https') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Authorization endpoint must be protected by TLS' ); } return $result; } /** * Sets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of authenticating * the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * @param string $uri * @return void */ public function setAuthorizationUri($uri) { $this->authorizationUri = $this->coerceUri($uri); } /** * Gets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of authenticating * the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * @return ?UriInterface */ public function getAuthorizationUri() { return $this->authorizationUri; } /** * Gets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing tokens * and refreshing expired tokens. * * @return ?UriInterface */ public function getTokenCredentialUri() { return $this->tokenCredentialUri; } /** * Sets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing tokens * and refreshing expired tokens. * * @param string $uri * @return void */ public function setTokenCredentialUri($uri) { $this->tokenCredentialUri = $this->coerceUri($uri); } /** * Gets the redirection URI used in the initial request. * * @return ?string */ public function getRedirectUri() { return $this->redirectUri; } /** * Sets the redirection URI used in the initial request. * * @param ?string $uri * @return void */ public function setRedirectUri($uri) { if (is_null($uri)) { $this->redirectUri = null; return; } // redirect URI must be absolute if (!$this->isAbsoluteUri($uri)) { // "postmessage" is a reserved URI string in Google-land // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/server-side-flow if ('postmessage' !== (string)$uri) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Redirect URI must be absolute' ); } } $this->redirectUri = (string)$uri; } /** * Gets the scope of the access requests as a space-delimited String. * * @return ?string */ public function getScope() { if (is_null($this->scope)) { return $this->scope; } return implode(' ', $this->scope); } /** * Sets the scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array or as * a space-delimited String. * * @param string|array<string>|null $scope * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setScope($scope) { if (is_null($scope)) { $this->scope = null; } elseif (is_string($scope)) { $this->scope = explode(' ', $scope); } elseif (is_array($scope)) { foreach ($scope as $s) { $pos = strpos($s, ' '); if ($pos !== false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'array scope values should not contain spaces' ); } } $this->scope = $scope; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'scopes should be a string or array of strings' ); } } /** * Gets the current grant type. * * @return ?string */ public function getGrantType() { if (!is_null($this->grantType)) { return $this->grantType; } // Returns the inferred grant type, based on the current object instance // state. if (!is_null($this->code)) { return 'authorization_code'; } if (!is_null($this->refreshToken)) { return 'refresh_token'; } if (!is_null($this->username) && !is_null($this->password)) { return 'password'; } if (!is_null($this->issuer) && !is_null($this->signingKey)) { return self::JWT_URN; } return null; } /** * Sets the current grant type. * * @param string $grantType * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setGrantType($grantType) { if (in_array($grantType, self::$knownGrantTypes)) { $this->grantType = $grantType; } else { // validate URI if (!$this->isAbsoluteUri($grantType)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'invalid grant type' ); } $this->grantType = (string)$grantType; } } /** * Gets an arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * @return string */ public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * Sets an arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * @param string $state * @return void */ public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } /** * Gets the authorization code issued to this client. * * @return string */ public function getCode() { return $this->code; } /** * Sets the authorization code issued to this client. * * @param string $code * @return void */ public function setCode($code) { $this->code = $code; } /** * Gets the resource owner's username. * * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } /** * Sets the resource owner's username. * * @param string $username * @return void */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * Gets the resource owner's password. * * @return string */ public function getPassword() { return $this->password; } /** * Sets the resource owner's password. * * @param string $password * @return void */ public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; } /** * Sets a unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * @return string */ public function getClientId() { return $this->clientId; } /** * Sets a unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * @param string $clientId * @return void */ public function setClientId($clientId) { $this->clientId = $clientId; } /** * Gets a shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which * is used to authenticate the client. * * @return string */ public function getClientSecret() { return $this->clientSecret; } /** * Sets a shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which * is used to authenticate the client. * * @param string $clientSecret * @return void */ public function setClientSecret($clientSecret) { $this->clientSecret = $clientSecret; } /** * Gets the Issuer ID when using assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getIssuer() { return $this->issuer; } /** * Sets the Issuer ID when using assertion profile. * * @param string $issuer * @return void */ public function setIssuer($issuer) { $this->issuer = $issuer; } /** * Gets the target sub when issuing assertions. * * @return ?string */ public function getSub() { return $this->sub; } /** * Sets the target sub when issuing assertions. * * @param string $sub * @return void */ public function setSub($sub) { $this->sub = $sub; } /** * Gets the target audience when issuing assertions. * * @return ?string */ public function getAudience() { return $this->audience; } /** * Sets the target audience when issuing assertions. * * @param string $audience * @return void */ public function setAudience($audience) { $this->audience = $audience; } /** * Gets the signing key when using an assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getSigningKey() { return $this->signingKey; } /** * Sets the signing key when using an assertion profile. * * @param string $signingKey * @return void */ public function setSigningKey($signingKey) { $this->signingKey = $signingKey; } /** * Gets the signing key id when using an assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getSigningKeyId() { return $this->signingKeyId; } /** * Sets the signing key id when using an assertion profile. * * @param string $signingKeyId * @return void */ public function setSigningKeyId($signingKeyId) { $this->signingKeyId = $signingKeyId; } /** * Gets the signing algorithm when using an assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getSigningAlgorithm() { return $this->signingAlgorithm; } /** * Sets the signing algorithm when using an assertion profile. * * @param ?string $signingAlgorithm * @return void */ public function setSigningAlgorithm($signingAlgorithm) { if (is_null($signingAlgorithm)) { $this->signingAlgorithm = null; } elseif (!in_array($signingAlgorithm, self::$knownSigningAlgorithms)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('unknown signing algorithm'); } else { $this->signingAlgorithm = $signingAlgorithm; } } /** * Gets the set of parameters used by extension when using an extension * grant type. * * @return array<mixed> */ public function getExtensionParams() { return $this->extensionParams; } /** * Sets the set of parameters used by extension when using an extension * grant type. * * @param array<mixed> $extensionParams * @return void */ public function setExtensionParams($extensionParams) { $this->extensionParams = $extensionParams; } /** * Gets the number of seconds assertions are valid for. * * @return int */ public function getExpiry() { return $this->expiry; } /** * Sets the number of seconds assertions are valid for. * * @param int $expiry * @return void */ public function setExpiry($expiry) { $this->expiry = $expiry; } /** * Gets the lifetime of the access token in seconds. * * @return int */ public function getExpiresIn() { return $this->expiresIn; } /** * Sets the lifetime of the access token in seconds. * * @param ?int $expiresIn * @return void */ public function setExpiresIn($expiresIn) { if (is_null($expiresIn)) { $this->expiresIn = null; $this->issuedAt = null; } else { $this->issuedAt = time(); $this->expiresIn = (int)$expiresIn; } } /** * Gets the time the current access token expires at. * * @return ?int */ public function getExpiresAt() { if (!is_null($this->expiresAt)) { return $this->expiresAt; } if (!is_null($this->issuedAt) && !is_null($this->expiresIn)) { return $this->issuedAt + $this->expiresIn; } return null; } /** * Returns true if the acccess token has expired. * * @return bool */ public function isExpired() { $expiration = $this->getExpiresAt(); $now = time(); return !is_null($expiration) && $now >= $expiration; } /** * Sets the time the current access token expires at. * * @param int $expiresAt * @return void */ public function setExpiresAt($expiresAt) { $this->expiresAt = $expiresAt; } /** * Gets the time the current access token was issued at. * * @return ?int */ public function getIssuedAt() { return $this->issuedAt; } /** * Sets the time the current access token was issued at. * * @param int $issuedAt * @return void */ public function setIssuedAt($issuedAt) { $this->issuedAt = $issuedAt; } /** * Gets the current access token. * * @return ?string */ public function getAccessToken() { return $this->accessToken; } /** * Sets the current access token. * * @param string $accessToken * @return void */ public function setAccessToken($accessToken) { $this->accessToken = $accessToken; } /** * Gets the current ID token. * * @return ?string */ public function getIdToken() { return $this->idToken; } /** * Sets the current ID token. * * @param string $idToken * @return void */ public function setIdToken($idToken) { $this->idToken = $idToken; } /** * Gets the refresh token associated with the current access token. * * @return ?string */ public function getRefreshToken() { return $this->refreshToken; } /** * Sets the refresh token associated with the current access token. * * @param string $refreshToken * @return void */ public function setRefreshToken($refreshToken) { $this->refreshToken = $refreshToken; } /** * Sets additional claims to be included in the JWT token * * @param array<mixed> $additionalClaims * @return void */ public function setAdditionalClaims(array $additionalClaims) { $this->additionalClaims = $additionalClaims; } /** * Gets the additional claims to be included in the JWT token. * * @return array<mixed> */ public function getAdditionalClaims() { return $this->additionalClaims; } /** * The expiration of the last received token. * * @return array<mixed>|null */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { if ($token = $this->getAccessToken()) { // the bare necessity of an auth token $authToken = [ 'access_token' => $token, 'expires_at' => $this->getExpiresAt(), ]; } elseif ($idToken = $this->getIdToken()) { $authToken = [ 'id_token' => $idToken, 'expires_at' => $this->getExpiresAt(), ]; } else { return null; } if ($expiresIn = $this->getExpiresIn()) { $authToken['expires_in'] = $expiresIn; } if ($issuedAt = $this->getIssuedAt()) { $authToken['issued_at'] = $issuedAt; } if ($refreshToken = $this->getRefreshToken()) { $authToken['refresh_token'] = $refreshToken; } return $authToken; } /** * Get the client ID. * * Alias of {@see Google\Auth\OAuth2::getClientId()}. * * @param callable $httpHandler * @return string * @access private */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->getClientId(); } /** * @todo handle uri as array * * @param ?string $uri * @return null|UriInterface */ private function coerceUri($uri) { if (is_null($uri)) { return null; } return Utils::uriFor($uri); } /** * @param string $idToken * @param Key|Key[]|string|string[] $publicKey * @param string|string[] $allowedAlgs * @return object */ private function jwtDecode($idToken, $publicKey, $allowedAlgs) { $keys = $this->getFirebaseJwtKeys($publicKey, $allowedAlgs); // Default exception if none are caught. We are using the same exception // class and message from firebase/php-jwt to preserve backwards // compatibility. $e = new \InvalidArgumentException('Key may not be empty'); foreach ($keys as $key) { try { return JWT::decode($idToken, $key); } catch (\Exception $e) { // try next alg } } throw $e; } /** * @param Key|Key[]|string|string[] $publicKey * @param string|string[] $allowedAlgs * @return Key[] */ private function getFirebaseJwtKeys($publicKey, $allowedAlgs) { // If $publicKey is instance of Key, return it if ($publicKey instanceof Key) { return [$publicKey]; } // If $allowedAlgs is empty, $publicKey must be Key or Key[]. if (empty($allowedAlgs)) { $keys = []; foreach ((array) $publicKey as $kid => $pubKey) { if (!$pubKey instanceof Key) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'When allowed algorithms is empty, the public key must' . 'be an instance of %s or an array of %s objects', Key::class, Key::class )); } $keys[$kid] = $pubKey; } return $keys; } $allowedAlg = null; if (is_string($allowedAlgs)) { $allowedAlg = $allowedAlg; } elseif (is_array($allowedAlgs)) { if (count($allowedAlgs) > 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'To have multiple allowed algorithms, You must provide an' . ' array of Firebase\JWT\Key objects.' . ' See https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt for more information.'); } $allowedAlg = array_pop($allowedAlgs); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('allowed algorithms must be a string or array.'); } if (is_array($publicKey)) { // When publicKey is greater than 1, create keys with the single alg. $keys = []; foreach ($publicKey as $kid => $pubKey) { if ($pubKey instanceof Key) { $keys[$kid] = $pubKey; } else { $keys[$kid] = new Key($pubKey, $allowedAlg); } } return $keys; } return [new Key($publicKey, $allowedAlg)]; } /** * Determines if the URI is absolute based on its scheme and host or path * (RFC 3986). * * @param string $uri * @return bool */ private function isAbsoluteUri($uri) { $uri = $this->coerceUri($uri); return $uri->getScheme() && ($uri->getHost() || $uri->getPath()); } /** * @param array<mixed> $params * @return array<mixed> */ private function addClientCredentials(&$params) { $clientId = $this->getClientId(); $clientSecret = $this->getClientSecret(); if ($clientId && $clientSecret) { $params['client_id'] = $clientId; $params['client_secret'] = $clientSecret; } return $params; } }