<?php namespace MailPoetVendor\Twig\Node; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Compiler; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Source; class Node implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate { protected $nodes; protected $attributes; protected $lineno; protected $tag; private $name; private $sourceContext; public function __construct(array $nodes = [], array $attributes = [], int $lineno = 0, string $tag = null) { foreach ($nodes as $name => $node) { if (!$node instanceof self) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Using "%s" for the value of node "%s" of "%s" is not supported. You must pass a \\Twig\\Node\\Node instance.', \is_object($node) ? \get_class($node) : (null === $node ? 'null' : \gettype($node)), $name, static::class)); } } $this->nodes = $nodes; $this->attributes = $attributes; $this->lineno = $lineno; $this->tag = $tag; } public function __toString() { $attributes = []; foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) { $attributes[] = \sprintf('%s: %s', $name, \str_replace("\n", '', \var_export($value, \true))); } $repr = [static::class . '(' . \implode(', ', $attributes)]; if (\count($this->nodes)) { foreach ($this->nodes as $name => $node) { $len = \strlen($name) + 4; $noderepr = []; foreach (\explode("\n", (string) $node) as $line) { $noderepr[] = \str_repeat(' ', $len) . $line; } $repr[] = \sprintf(' %s: %s', $name, \ltrim(\implode("\n", $noderepr))); } $repr[] = ')'; } else { $repr[0] .= ')'; } return \implode("\n", $repr); } public function compile(Compiler $compiler) { foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $node->compile($compiler); } } public function getTemplateLine() : int { return $this->lineno; } public function getNodeTag() : ?string { return $this->tag; } public function hasAttribute(string $name) : bool { return \array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes); } public function getAttribute(string $name) { if (!\array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes)) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Attribute "%s" does not exist for Node "%s".', $name, static::class)); } return $this->attributes[$name]; } public function setAttribute(string $name, $value) : void { $this->attributes[$name] = $value; } public function removeAttribute(string $name) : void { unset($this->attributes[$name]); } public function hasNode(string $name) : bool { return isset($this->nodes[$name]); } public function getNode(string $name) : self { if (!isset($this->nodes[$name])) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Node "%s" does not exist for Node "%s".', $name, static::class)); } return $this->nodes[$name]; } public function setNode(string $name, self $node) : void { $this->nodes[$name] = $node; } public function removeNode(string $name) : void { unset($this->nodes[$name]); } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function count() { return \count($this->nodes); } public function getIterator() : \Traversable { return new \ArrayIterator($this->nodes); } public function getTemplateName() : ?string { return $this->sourceContext ? $this->sourceContext->getName() : null; } public function setSourceContext(Source $source) : void { $this->sourceContext = $source; foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $node->setSourceContext($source); } } public function getSourceContext() : ?Source { return $this->sourceContext; } }