<?php /** * PHPCompatibility, an external standard for PHP_CodeSniffer. * * @package PHPCompatibility * @copyright 2012-2019 PHPCompatibility Contributors * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPL3 * @link https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility */ namespace PHPCompatibility\Sniffs\IniDirectives; use PHPCompatibility\AbstractNewFeatureSniff; use PHP_CodeSniffer_File as File; /** * Detect the use of new INI directives through `ini_set()` or `ini_get()`. * * PHP version All * * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.list.php * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php * * @since 5.5 * @since 7.0.7 When a new directive is used with `ini_set()`, the sniff will now throw an error * instead of a warning. * @since 7.1.0 Now extends the `AbstractNewFeatureSniff` instead of the base `Sniff` class.. */ class NewIniDirectivesSniff extends AbstractNewFeatureSniff { /** * A list of new INI directives * * The array lists : version number with false (not present) or true (present). * If's sufficient to list the first version where the ini directive appears. * * @since 5.5 * @since 7.0.3 Support for 'alternative' has been added. * * @var array(string) */ protected $newIniDirectives = array( 'auto_globals_jit' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'com.code_page' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'date.default_latitude' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'date.default_longitude' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'date.sunrise_zenith' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'date.sunset_zenith' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'ibase.default_charset' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'ibase.default_db' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mail.force_extra_parameters' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mime_magic.debug' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mysqli.max_links' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mysqli.default_port' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mysqli.default_socket' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mysqli.default_host' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mysqli.default_user' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'mysqli.default_pw' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'report_zend_debug' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'session.hash_bits_per_character' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'session.hash_function' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'soap.wsdl_cache_dir' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'soap.wsdl_cache_enabled' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'soap.wsdl_cache_ttl' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'sqlite.assoc_case' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'tidy.clean_output' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'tidy.default_config' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode' => array( '4.4' => false, '5.0' => true, ), 'date.timezone' => array( '5.0' => false, '5.1' => true, ), 'detect_unicode' => array( '5.0' => false, '5.1' => true, ), 'fbsql.batchsize' => array( '5.0' => false, '5.1' => true, 'alternative' => 'fbsql.batchSize', ), 'realpath_cache_size' => array( '5.0' => false, '5.1' => true, ), 'realpath_cache_ttl' => array( '5.0' => false, '5.1' => true, ), 'mbstring.strict_detection' => array( '5.1.1' => false, '5.1.2' => true, ), 'mssql.charset' => array( '5.1.1' => false, '5.1.2' => true, ), 'gd.jpeg_ignore_warning' => array( '5.1.2' => false, '5.1.3' => true, ), 'fbsql.show_timestamp_decimals' => array( '5.1.4' => false, '5.1.5' => true, ), 'soap.wsdl_cache' => array( '5.1.4' => false, '5.1.5' => true, ), 'soap.wsdl_cache_limit' => array( '5.1.4' => false, '5.1.5' => true, ), 'allow_url_include' => array( '5.1' => false, '5.2' => true, ), 'filter.default' => array( '5.1' => false, '5.2' => true, ), 'filter.default_flags' => array( '5.1' => false, '5.2' => true, ), 'pcre.backtrack_limit' => array( '5.1' => false, '5.2' => true, ), 'pcre.recursion_limit' => array( '5.1' => false, '5.2' => true, ), 'session.cookie_httponly' => array( '5.1' => false, '5.2' => true, ), 'cgi.check_shebang_line' => array( '5.2.0' => false, '5.2.1' => true, ), 'max_input_nesting_level' => array( '5.2.2' => false, '5.2.3' => true, ), 'mysqli.allow_local_infile' => array( '5.2.3' => false, '5.2.4' => true, ), 'max_file_uploads' => array( '5.2.11' => false, '5.2.12' => true, ), 'cgi.discard_path' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'exit_on_timeout' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'intl.default_locale' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'intl.error_level' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mail.add_x_header' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mail.log' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetype' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqli.allow_persistent' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqli.cache_size' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqli.max_persistent' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.collect_statistics' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.debug' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.net_read_buffer_size' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'odbc.default_cursortype' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'request_order' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'user_ini.cache_ttl' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'user_ini.filename' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'zend.enable_gc' => array( '5.2' => false, '5.3' => true, ), 'curl.cainfo' => array( '5.3.6' => false, '5.3.7' => true, ), 'max_input_vars' => array( '5.3.8' => false, '5.3.9' => true, ), 'sqlite3.extension_dir' => array( '5.3.10' => false, '5.3.11' => true, ), 'cli.pager' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'cli.prompt' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'cli_server.color' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'enable_post_data_reading' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.mempool_default_size' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.net_read_timeout' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'phar.cache_list' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'session.upload_progress.enabled' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'session.upload_progress.cleanup' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'session.upload_progress.name' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'session.upload_progress.freq' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'session.upload_progress.min_freq' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'session.upload_progress.prefix' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'windows_show_crt_warning' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'zend.detect_unicode' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => 'detect_unicode', ), 'zend.multibyte' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'zend.script_encoding' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'zend.signal_check' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.log_mask' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, ), 'intl.use_exceptions' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.sha256_server_public_key' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'mysqlnd.trace_alloc' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'sys_temp_dir' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'xsl.security_prefs' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.enable' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.enable_cli' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.memory_consumption' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.interned_strings_buffer' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.max_accelerated_files' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.max_wasted_percentage' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.use_cwd' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.validate_timestamps' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.revalidate_freq' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.revalidate_path' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.save_comments' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.load_comments' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.fast_shutdown' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.enable_file_override' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.optimization_level' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.inherited_hack' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.dups_fix' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.blacklist_filename' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.max_file_size' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.consistency_checks' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.force_restart_timeout' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.error_log' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.log_verbosity_level' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.preferred_memory_model' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.protect_memory' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.mmap_base' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.restrict_api' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.file_update_protection' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.huge_code_pages' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.lockfile_path' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'opcache.opt_debug_level' => array( '5.4' => false, '5.5' => true, ), 'session.use_strict_mode' => array( '5.5.1' => false, '5.5.2' => true, ), 'mysqli.rollback_on_cached_plink' => array( '5.5' => false, '5.6' => true, ), 'assert.exception' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'pcre.jit' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'session.lazy_write' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'zend.assertions' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'opcache.file_cache' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'opcache.file_cache_only' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'opcache.file_cache_consistency_checks' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), 'opcache.file_cache_fallback' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, ), // Windows only. 'opcache.validate_permission' => array( '7.0.13' => false, '7.0.14' => true, ), 'opcache.validate_root' => array( '7.0.13' => false, '7.0.14' => true, ), 'hard_timeout' => array( '7.0' => false, '7.1' => true, ), 'session.sid_length' => array( '7.0' => false, '7.1' => true, ), 'session.sid_bits_per_character' => array( '7.0' => false, '7.1' => true, ), 'session.trans_sid_hosts' => array( '7.0' => false, '7.1' => true, ), 'session.trans_sid_tags' => array( '7.0' => false, '7.1' => true, ), 'url_rewriter.hosts' => array( '7.0' => false, '7.1' => true, ), // Introduced in PHP 7.1.25, 7.2.13, 7.3.0. 'imap.enable_insecure_rsh' => array( '7.1.24' => false, '7.1.25' => true, ), 'syslog.facility' => array( '7.2' => false, '7.3' => true, ), 'syslog.filter' => array( '7.2' => false, '7.3' => true, ), 'syslog.ident' => array( '7.2' => false, '7.3' => true, ), 'session.cookie_samesite' => array( '7.2' => false, '7.3' => true, ), 'ffi.enable' => array( '7.3' => false, '7.4' => true, ), 'ffi.preload' => array( '7.3' => false, '7.4' => true, ), 'opcache.cache_id' => array( '7.3' => false, '7.4' => true, ), 'opcache.preload' => array( '7.3' => false, '7.4' => true, ), 'zend.exception_ignore_args' => array( '7.3' => false, '7.4' => true, ), ); /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @since 5.5 * * @return array */ public function register() { return array(\T_STRING); } /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @since 5.5 * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the * stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); $ignore = array( \T_DOUBLE_COLON => true, \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR => true, \T_FUNCTION => true, \T_CONST => true, ); $prevToken = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(\T_WHITESPACE, ($stackPtr - 1), null, true); if (isset($ignore[$tokens[$prevToken]['code']]) === true) { // Not a call to a PHP function. return; } $functionLc = strtolower($tokens[$stackPtr]['content']); if (isset($this->iniFunctions[$functionLc]) === false) { return; } $iniToken = $this->getFunctionCallParameter($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $this->iniFunctions[$functionLc]); if ($iniToken === false) { return; } $filteredToken = $this->stripQuotes($iniToken['raw']); if (isset($this->newIniDirectives[$filteredToken]) === false) { return; } $itemInfo = array( 'name' => $filteredToken, 'functionLc' => $functionLc, ); $this->handleFeature($phpcsFile, $iniToken['end'], $itemInfo); } /** * Get the relevant sub-array for a specific item from a multi-dimensional array. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item. * * @return array Version and other information about the item. */ public function getItemArray(array $itemInfo) { return $this->newIniDirectives[$itemInfo['name']]; } /** * Get an array of the non-PHP-version array keys used in a sub-array. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @return array */ protected function getNonVersionArrayKeys() { return array('alternative'); } /** * Retrieve the relevant detail (version) information for use in an error message. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @param array $itemArray Version and other information about the item. * @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item. * * @return array */ public function getErrorInfo(array $itemArray, array $itemInfo) { $errorInfo = parent::getErrorInfo($itemArray, $itemInfo); $errorInfo['alternative'] = ''; if (isset($itemArray['alternative']) === true) { $errorInfo['alternative'] = $itemArray['alternative']; } // Lower error level to warning if the function used was ini_get. if ($errorInfo['error'] === true && $itemInfo['functionLc'] === 'ini_get') { $errorInfo['error'] = false; } return $errorInfo; } /** * Get the error message template for this sniff. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @return string */ protected function getErrorMsgTemplate() { return "INI directive '%s' is not present in PHP version %s or earlier"; } /** * Allow for concrete child classes to filter the error message before it's passed to PHPCS. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @param string $error The error message which was created. * @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item this error message applies to. * @param array $errorInfo Detail information about an item this error message applies to. * * @return string */ protected function filterErrorMsg($error, array $itemInfo, array $errorInfo) { if ($errorInfo['alternative'] !== '') { $error .= ". This directive was previously called '%s'."; } return $error; } /** * Allow for concrete child classes to filter the error data before it's passed to PHPCS. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @param array $data The error data array which was created. * @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item this error message applies to. * @param array $errorInfo Detail information about an item this error message applies to. * * @return array */ protected function filterErrorData(array $data, array $itemInfo, array $errorInfo) { if ($errorInfo['alternative'] !== '') { $data[] = $errorInfo['alternative']; } return $data; } }