<?php namespace MailPoetVendor\Twig; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Error\SyntaxError; class Lexer { private $tokens; private $code; private $cursor; private $lineno; private $end; private $state; private $states; private $brackets; private $env; private $source; private $options; private $regexes; private $position; private $positions; private $currentVarBlockLine; public const STATE_DATA = 0; public const STATE_BLOCK = 1; public const STATE_VAR = 2; public const STATE_STRING = 3; public const STATE_INTERPOLATION = 4; public const REGEX_NAME = '/[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*/A'; public const REGEX_NUMBER = '/[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?([Ee][\\+\\-][0-9]+)?/A'; public const REGEX_STRING = '/"([^#"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^#"\\\\]*)*)"|\'([^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*)\'/As'; public const REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM = '/"/A'; public const REGEX_DQ_STRING_PART = '/[^#"\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|#(?!\\{))[^#"\\\\]*)*/As'; public const PUNCTUATION = '()[]{}?:.,|'; public function __construct(Environment $env, array $options = []) { $this->env = $env; $this->options = \array_merge(['tag_comment' => ['{#', '#}'], 'tag_block' => ['{%', '%}'], 'tag_variable' => ['{{', '}}'], 'whitespace_trim' => '-', 'whitespace_line_trim' => '~', 'whitespace_line_chars' => ' \\t\\0\\x0B', 'interpolation' => ['#{', '}']], $options); // when PHP 7.3 is the min version, we will be able to remove the '#' part in preg_quote as it's part of the default $this->regexes = [ // }} 'lex_var' => '{ \\s* (?:' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'] . $this->options['tag_variable'][1], '#') . '\\s*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] . $this->options['tag_variable'][1], '#') . '[' . $this->options['whitespace_line_chars'] . ']*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_variable'][1], '#') . ') }Ax', // %} 'lex_block' => '{ \\s* (?:' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'] . $this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '\\s*\\n?' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] . $this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '[' . $this->options['whitespace_line_chars'] . ']*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '\\n?' . ') }Ax', // {% endverbatim %} 'lex_raw_data' => '{' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][0], '#') . '(' . $this->options['whitespace_trim'] . '|' . $this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] . ')?\\s*endverbatim\\s*' . '(?:' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'] . $this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '\\s*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] . $this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '[' . $this->options['whitespace_line_chars'] . ']*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . ') }sx', 'operator' => $this->getOperatorRegex(), // #} 'lex_comment' => '{ (?:' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'] . $this->options['tag_comment'][1], '#') . '\\s*\\n?' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] . $this->options['tag_comment'][1], '#') . '[' . $this->options['whitespace_line_chars'] . ']*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_comment'][1], '#') . '\\n?' . ') }sx', // verbatim %} 'lex_block_raw' => '{ \\s*verbatim\\s* (?:' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'] . $this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '\\s*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] . $this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '[' . $this->options['whitespace_line_chars'] . ']*' . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . ') }Asx', 'lex_block_line' => '{\\s*line\\s+(\\d+)\\s*' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '#') . '}As', // {{ or {% or {# 'lex_tokens_start' => '{ (' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_variable'][0], '#') . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][0], '#') . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['tag_comment'][0], '#') . ')(' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'], '#') . '|' . \preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'], '#') . ')? }sx', 'interpolation_start' => '{' . \preg_quote($this->options['interpolation'][0], '#') . '\\s*}A', 'interpolation_end' => '{\\s*' . \preg_quote($this->options['interpolation'][1], '#') . '}A', ]; } public function tokenize(Source $source) : TokenStream { $this->source = $source; $this->code = \str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $source->getCode()); $this->cursor = 0; $this->lineno = 1; $this->end = \strlen($this->code); $this->tokens = []; $this->state = self::STATE_DATA; $this->states = []; $this->brackets = []; $this->position = -1; // find all token starts in one go \preg_match_all($this->regexes['lex_tokens_start'], $this->code, $matches, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $this->positions = $matches; while ($this->cursor < $this->end) { // dispatch to the lexing functions depending // on the current state switch ($this->state) { case self::STATE_DATA: $this->lexData(); break; case self::STATE_BLOCK: $this->lexBlock(); break; case self::STATE_VAR: $this->lexVar(); break; case self::STATE_STRING: $this->lexString(); break; case self::STATE_INTERPOLATION: $this->lexInterpolation(); break; } } $this->pushToken( -1 ); if (!empty($this->brackets)) { list($expect, $lineno) = \array_pop($this->brackets); throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unclosed "%s".', $expect), $lineno, $this->source); } return new TokenStream($this->tokens, $this->source); } private function lexData() : void { // if no matches are left we return the rest of the template as simple text token if ($this->position == \count($this->positions[0]) - 1) { $this->pushToken( 0, \substr($this->code, $this->cursor) ); $this->cursor = $this->end; return; } // Find the first token after the current cursor $position = $this->positions[0][++$this->position]; while ($position[1] < $this->cursor) { if ($this->position == \count($this->positions[0]) - 1) { return; } $position = $this->positions[0][++$this->position]; } // push the template text first $text = $textContent = \substr($this->code, $this->cursor, $position[1] - $this->cursor); // trim? if (isset($this->positions[2][$this->position][0])) { if ($this->options['whitespace_trim'] === $this->positions[2][$this->position][0]) { // whitespace_trim detected ({%-, {{- or {#-) $text = \rtrim($text); } elseif ($this->options['whitespace_line_trim'] === $this->positions[2][$this->position][0]) { // whitespace_line_trim detected ({%~, {{~ or {#~) // don't trim \r and \n $text = \rtrim($text, " \t\x00\v"); } } $this->pushToken( 0, $text ); $this->moveCursor($textContent . $position[0]); switch ($this->positions[1][$this->position][0]) { case $this->options['tag_comment'][0]: $this->lexComment(); break; case $this->options['tag_block'][0]: // raw data? if (\preg_match($this->regexes['lex_block_raw'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->moveCursor($match[0]); $this->lexRawData(); // {% line \d+ %} } elseif (\preg_match($this->regexes['lex_block_line'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->moveCursor($match[0]); $this->lineno = (int) $match[1]; } else { $this->pushToken( 1 ); $this->pushState(self::STATE_BLOCK); $this->currentVarBlockLine = $this->lineno; } break; case $this->options['tag_variable'][0]: $this->pushToken( 2 ); $this->pushState(self::STATE_VAR); $this->currentVarBlockLine = $this->lineno; break; } } private function lexBlock() : void { if (empty($this->brackets) && \preg_match($this->regexes['lex_block'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->pushToken( 3 ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); $this->popState(); } else { $this->lexExpression(); } } private function lexVar() : void { if (empty($this->brackets) && \preg_match($this->regexes['lex_var'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->pushToken( 4 ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); $this->popState(); } else { $this->lexExpression(); } } private function lexExpression() : void { // whitespace if (\preg_match('/\\s+/A', $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->moveCursor($match[0]); if ($this->cursor >= $this->end) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unclosed "%s".', self::STATE_BLOCK === $this->state ? 'block' : 'variable'), $this->currentVarBlockLine, $this->source); } } // arrow function if ('=' === $this->code[$this->cursor] && '>' === $this->code[$this->cursor + 1]) { $this->pushToken(Token::ARROW_TYPE, '=>'); $this->moveCursor('=>'); } elseif (\preg_match($this->regexes['operator'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->pushToken( 8, \preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $match[0]) ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); } elseif (\preg_match(self::REGEX_NAME, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->pushToken( 5, $match[0] ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); } elseif (\preg_match(self::REGEX_NUMBER, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $number = (float) $match[0]; // floats if (\ctype_digit($match[0]) && $number <= \PHP_INT_MAX) { $number = (int) $match[0]; // integers lower than the maximum } $this->pushToken( 6, $number ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); } elseif (\false !== \strpos(self::PUNCTUATION, $this->code[$this->cursor])) { // opening bracket if (\false !== \strpos('([{', $this->code[$this->cursor])) { $this->brackets[] = [$this->code[$this->cursor], $this->lineno]; } elseif (\false !== \strpos(')]}', $this->code[$this->cursor])) { if (empty($this->brackets)) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unexpected "%s".', $this->code[$this->cursor]), $this->lineno, $this->source); } list($expect, $lineno) = \array_pop($this->brackets); if ($this->code[$this->cursor] != \strtr($expect, '([{', ')]}')) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unclosed "%s".', $expect), $lineno, $this->source); } } $this->pushToken( 9, $this->code[$this->cursor] ); ++$this->cursor; } elseif (\preg_match(self::REGEX_STRING, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->pushToken( 7, \stripcslashes(\substr($match[0], 1, -1)) ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); } elseif (\preg_match(self::REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->brackets[] = ['"', $this->lineno]; $this->pushState(self::STATE_STRING); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); } else { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unexpected character "%s".', $this->code[$this->cursor]), $this->lineno, $this->source); } } private function lexRawData() : void { if (!\preg_match($this->regexes['lex_raw_data'], $this->code, $match, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->cursor)) { throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected end of file: Unclosed "verbatim" block.', $this->lineno, $this->source); } $text = \substr($this->code, $this->cursor, $match[0][1] - $this->cursor); $this->moveCursor($text . $match[0][0]); // trim? if (isset($match[1][0])) { if ($this->options['whitespace_trim'] === $match[1][0]) { // whitespace_trim detected ({%-, {{- or {#-) $text = \rtrim($text); } else { // whitespace_line_trim detected ({%~, {{~ or {#~) // don't trim \r and \n $text = \rtrim($text, " \t\x00\v"); } } $this->pushToken( 0, $text ); } private function lexComment() : void { if (!\preg_match($this->regexes['lex_comment'], $this->code, $match, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->cursor)) { throw new SyntaxError('Unclosed comment.', $this->lineno, $this->source); } $this->moveCursor(\substr($this->code, $this->cursor, $match[0][1] - $this->cursor) . $match[0][0]); } private function lexString() : void { if (\preg_match($this->regexes['interpolation_start'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { $this->brackets[] = [$this->options['interpolation'][0], $this->lineno]; $this->pushToken( 10 ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); $this->pushState(self::STATE_INTERPOLATION); } elseif (\preg_match(self::REGEX_DQ_STRING_PART, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor) && \strlen($match[0]) > 0) { $this->pushToken( 7, \stripcslashes($match[0]) ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); } elseif (\preg_match(self::REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { list($expect, $lineno) = \array_pop($this->brackets); if ('"' != $this->code[$this->cursor]) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unclosed "%s".', $expect), $lineno, $this->source); } $this->popState(); ++$this->cursor; } else { // unlexable throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unexpected character "%s".', $this->code[$this->cursor]), $this->lineno, $this->source); } } private function lexInterpolation() : void { $bracket = \end($this->brackets); if ($this->options['interpolation'][0] === $bracket[0] && \preg_match($this->regexes['interpolation_end'], $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) { \array_pop($this->brackets); $this->pushToken( 11 ); $this->moveCursor($match[0]); $this->popState(); } else { $this->lexExpression(); } } private function pushToken($type, $value = '') : void { // do not push empty text tokens if (0 === $type && '' === $value) { return; } $this->tokens[] = new Token($type, $value, $this->lineno); } private function moveCursor($text) : void { $this->cursor += \strlen($text); $this->lineno += \substr_count($text, "\n"); } private function getOperatorRegex() : string { $operators = \array_merge(['='], \array_keys($this->env->getUnaryOperators()), \array_keys($this->env->getBinaryOperators())); $operators = \array_combine($operators, \array_map('strlen', $operators)); \arsort($operators); $regex = []; foreach ($operators as $operator => $length) { // an operator that ends with a character must be followed by // a whitespace, a parenthesis, an opening map [ or sequence { $r = \preg_quote($operator, '/'); if (\ctype_alpha($operator[$length - 1])) { $r .= '(?=[\\s()\\[{])'; } // an operator that begins with a character must not have a dot or pipe before if (\ctype_alpha($operator[0])) { $r = '(?<![\\.\\|])' . $r; } // an operator with a space can be any amount of whitespaces $r = \preg_replace('/\\s+/', '\\s+', $r); $regex[] = $r; } return '/' . \implode('|', $regex) . '/A'; } private function pushState($state) : void { $this->states[] = $this->state; $this->state = $state; } private function popState() : void { if (0 === \count($this->states)) { throw new \LogicException('Cannot pop state without a previous state.'); } $this->state = \array_pop($this->states); } }