<?php namespace MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Exception; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\Persistence\Proxy; use InvalidArgumentException as BaseInvalidArgumentException; use function get_class; use function gettype; use function is_object; use function sprintf; class InvalidArgumentException extends BaseInvalidArgumentException implements ProxyException { public static function proxyDirectoryRequired() { return new self('You must configure a proxy directory. See docs for details'); } public static function notProxyClass($className, $proxyNamespace) { return new self(sprintf('The class "%s" is not part of the proxy namespace "%s"', $className, $proxyNamespace)); } public static function invalidPlaceholder($name) { return new self(sprintf('Provided placeholder for "%s" must be either a string or a valid callable', $name)); } public static function proxyNamespaceRequired() { return new self('You must configure a proxy namespace'); } public static function unitializedProxyExpected(Proxy $proxy) { return new self(sprintf('Provided proxy of type "%s" must not be initialized.', get_class($proxy))); } public static function invalidClassNotFoundCallback($callback) { $type = is_object($callback) ? get_class($callback) : gettype($callback); return new self(sprintf('Invalid \\$notFoundCallback given: must be a callable, "%s" given', $type)); } public static function classMustNotBeAbstract($className) { return new self(sprintf('Unable to create a proxy for an abstract class "%s".', $className)); } public static function classMustNotBeFinal($className) { return new self(sprintf('Unable to create a proxy for a final class "%s".', $className)); } public static function invalidAutoGenerateMode($value) : self { return new self(sprintf('Invalid auto generate mode "%s" given.', $value)); } }