<?php /** * Ensure single and multi-line function declarations are defined correctly. * * @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net> * @copyright 2006-2015 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Standards\PEAR\Sniffs\Functions; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Standards\Generic\Sniffs\Functions\OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Standards\Generic\Sniffs\Functions\OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens; class FunctionDeclarationSniff implements Sniff { /** * A list of tokenizers this sniff supports. * * @var array */ public $supportedTokenizers = [ 'PHP', 'JS', ]; /** * The number of spaces code should be indented. * * @var integer */ public $indent = 4; /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @return array */ public function register() { return [ T_FUNCTION, T_CLOSURE, ]; }//end register() /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_opener']) === false || isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer']) === false || $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_opener'] === null || $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer'] === null ) { return; } $openBracket = $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_opener']; $closeBracket = $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer']; if (strtolower($tokens[$stackPtr]['content']) === 'function') { // Must be one space after the FUNCTION keyword. if ($tokens[($stackPtr + 1)]['content'] === $phpcsFile->eolChar) { $spaces = 'newline'; } else if ($tokens[($stackPtr + 1)]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE) { $spaces = $tokens[($stackPtr + 1)]['length']; } else { $spaces = 0; } if ($spaces !== 1) { $error = 'Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; %s found'; $data = [$spaces]; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $stackPtr, 'SpaceAfterFunction', $data); if ($fix === true) { if ($spaces === 0) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContent($stackPtr, ' '); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($stackPtr + 1), ' '); } } } }//end if // Must be no space before the opening parenthesis. For closures, this is // enforced by the previous check because there is no content between the keywords // and the opening parenthesis. // Unfinished closures are tokenized as T_FUNCTION however, and can be excluded // by checking for the scope_opener. if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_FUNCTION && (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']) === true || $phpcsFile->getMethodProperties($stackPtr)['has_body'] === false) ) { if ($tokens[($openBracket - 1)]['content'] === $phpcsFile->eolChar) { $spaces = 'newline'; } else if ($tokens[($openBracket - 1)]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE) { $spaces = $tokens[($openBracket - 1)]['length']; } else { $spaces = 0; } if ($spaces !== 0) { $error = 'Expected 0 spaces before opening parenthesis; %s found'; $data = [$spaces]; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $openBracket, 'SpaceBeforeOpenParen', $data); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($openBracket - 1), ''); } } // Must be no space before semicolon in abstract/interface methods. if ($phpcsFile->getMethodProperties($stackPtr)['has_body'] === false) { $end = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_SEMICOLON, $closeBracket); if ($tokens[($end - 1)]['content'] === $phpcsFile->eolChar) { $spaces = 'newline'; } else if ($tokens[($end - 1)]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE) { $spaces = $tokens[($end - 1)]['length']; } else { $spaces = 0; } if ($spaces !== 0) { $error = 'Expected 0 spaces before semicolon; %s found'; $data = [$spaces]; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $end, 'SpaceBeforeSemicolon', $data); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($end - 1), ''); } } } }//end if // Must be one space before and after USE keyword for closures. if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_CLOSURE) { $use = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_USE, ($closeBracket + 1), $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']); if ($use !== false) { if ($tokens[($use + 1)]['code'] !== T_WHITESPACE) { $length = 0; } else if ($tokens[($use + 1)]['content'] === "\t") { $length = '\t'; } else { $length = $tokens[($use + 1)]['length']; } if ($length !== 1) { $error = 'Expected 1 space after USE keyword; found %s'; $data = [$length]; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $use, 'SpaceAfterUse', $data); if ($fix === true) { if ($length === 0) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContent($use, ' '); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($use + 1), ' '); } } } if ($tokens[($use - 1)]['code'] !== T_WHITESPACE) { $length = 0; } else if ($tokens[($use - 1)]['content'] === "\t") { $length = '\t'; } else { $length = $tokens[($use - 1)]['length']; } if ($length !== 1) { $error = 'Expected 1 space before USE keyword; found %s'; $data = [$length]; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $use, 'SpaceBeforeUse', $data); if ($fix === true) { if ($length === 0) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContentBefore($use, ' '); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($use - 1), ' '); } } } }//end if }//end if if ($this->isMultiLineDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $openBracket, $tokens) === true) { $this->processMultiLineDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $tokens); } else { $this->processSingleLineDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $tokens); } }//end process() /** * Determine if this is a multi-line function declaration. * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * @param int $openBracket The position of the opening bracket * in the stack passed in $tokens. * @param array $tokens The stack of tokens that make up * the file. * * @return bool */ public function isMultiLineDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $openBracket, $tokens) { $closeBracket = $tokens[$openBracket]['parenthesis_closer']; if ($tokens[$openBracket]['line'] !== $tokens[$closeBracket]['line']) { return true; } // Closures may use the USE keyword and so be multi-line in this way. if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_CLOSURE) { $use = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_USE, ($closeBracket + 1), $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']); if ($use !== false) { // If the opening and closing parenthesis of the use statement // are also on the same line, this is a single line declaration. $open = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, ($use + 1)); $close = $tokens[$open]['parenthesis_closer']; if ($tokens[$open]['line'] !== $tokens[$close]['line']) { return true; } } } return false; }//end isMultiLineDeclaration() /** * Processes single-line declarations. * * Just uses the Generic BSD-Allman brace sniff. * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * @param array $tokens The stack of tokens that make up * the file. * * @return void */ public function processSingleLineDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $tokens) { if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_CLOSURE) { $sniff = new OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff(); } else { $sniff = new OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff(); } $sniff->checkClosures = true; $sniff->process($phpcsFile, $stackPtr); }//end processSingleLineDeclaration() /** * Processes multi-line declarations. * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * @param array $tokens The stack of tokens that make up * the file. * * @return void */ public function processMultiLineDeclaration($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $tokens) { $this->processArgumentList($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $this->indent); $closeBracket = $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer']; if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_CLOSURE) { $use = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_USE, ($closeBracket + 1), $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']); if ($use !== false) { $open = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, ($use + 1)); $closeBracket = $tokens[$open]['parenthesis_closer']; } } if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']) === false) { return; } // The opening brace needs to be one space away from the closing parenthesis. $opener = $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']; if ($tokens[$opener]['line'] !== $tokens[$closeBracket]['line']) { $error = 'The closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line function declaration must be on the same line'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $opener, 'NewlineBeforeOpenBrace'); if ($fix === true) { $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($opener - 1), $closeBracket, true); $phpcsFile->fixer->beginChangeset(); $phpcsFile->fixer->addContent($prev, ' {'); // If the opener is on a line by itself, removing it will create // an empty line, so just remove the entire line instead. $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_WHITESPACE, ($opener - 1), $closeBracket, true); $next = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, ($opener + 1), null, true); if ($tokens[$prev]['line'] < $tokens[$opener]['line'] && $tokens[$next]['line'] > $tokens[$opener]['line'] ) { // Clear the whole line. for ($i = ($prev + 1); $i < $next; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$opener]['line']) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, ''); } } } else { // Just remove the opener. $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($opener, ''); if ($tokens[$next]['line'] === $tokens[$opener]['line']) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($opener + 1), ''); } } $phpcsFile->fixer->endChangeset(); }//end if } else { $prev = $tokens[($opener - 1)]; if ($prev['code'] !== T_WHITESPACE) { $length = 0; } else { $length = strlen($prev['content']); } if ($length !== 1) { $error = 'There must be a single space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace of a multi-line function declaration; found %s spaces'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, ($opener - 1), 'SpaceBeforeOpenBrace', [$length]); if ($fix === true) { if ($length === 0) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContentBefore($opener, ' '); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($opener - 1), ' '); } } return; }//end if }//end if }//end processMultiLineDeclaration() /** * Processes multi-line argument list declarations. * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * @param int $indent The number of spaces code should be indented. * @param string $type The type of the token the brackets * belong to. * * @return void */ public function processArgumentList($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $indent, $type='function') { $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); // We need to work out how far indented the function // declaration itself is, so we can work out how far to // indent parameters. $functionIndent = 0; for ($i = ($stackPtr - 1); $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($tokens[$i]['line'] !== $tokens[$stackPtr]['line']) { break; } } // Move $i back to the line the function is or to 0. $i++; if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE) { $functionIndent = $tokens[$i]['length']; } // The closing parenthesis must be on a new line, even // when checking abstract function definitions. $closeBracket = $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer']; $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious( T_WHITESPACE, ($closeBracket - 1), null, true ); if ($tokens[$closeBracket]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$closeBracket]['parenthesis_opener']]['line'] && $tokens[$prev]['line'] === $tokens[$closeBracket]['line'] ) { $error = 'The closing parenthesis of a multi-line '.$type.' declaration must be on a new line'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $closeBracket, 'CloseBracketLine'); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addNewlineBefore($closeBracket); } } // If this is a closure and is using a USE statement, the closing // parenthesis we need to look at from now on is the closing parenthesis // of the USE statement. if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] === T_CLOSURE) { $use = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_USE, ($closeBracket + 1), $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']); if ($use !== false) { $open = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, ($use + 1)); $closeBracket = $tokens[$open]['parenthesis_closer']; $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious( T_WHITESPACE, ($closeBracket - 1), null, true ); if ($tokens[$closeBracket]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$closeBracket]['parenthesis_opener']]['line'] && $tokens[$prev]['line'] === $tokens[$closeBracket]['line'] ) { $error = 'The closing parenthesis of a multi-line use declaration must be on a new line'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $closeBracket, 'UseCloseBracketLine'); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addNewlineBefore($closeBracket); } } }//end if }//end if // Each line between the parenthesis should be indented 4 spaces. $openBracket = $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_opener']; $lastLine = $tokens[$openBracket]['line']; for ($i = ($openBracket + 1); $i < $closeBracket; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['line'] !== $lastLine) { if ($i === $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer'] || ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE && (($i + 1) === $closeBracket || ($i + 1) === $tokens[$stackPtr]['parenthesis_closer'])) ) { // Closing braces need to be indented to the same level // as the function. $expectedIndent = $functionIndent; } else { $expectedIndent = ($functionIndent + $indent); } // We changed lines, so this should be a whitespace indent token. $foundIndent = 0; if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE && $tokens[$i]['line'] !== $tokens[($i + 1)]['line'] ) { $error = 'Blank lines are not allowed in a multi-line '.$type.' declaration'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $i, 'EmptyLine'); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, ''); } // This is an empty line, so don't check the indent. continue; } else if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE) { $foundIndent = $tokens[$i]['length']; } else if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_WHITESPACE) { $foundIndent = $tokens[$i]['length']; ++$expectedIndent; } if ($expectedIndent !== $foundIndent) { $error = 'Multi-line '.$type.' declaration not indented correctly; expected %s spaces but found %s'; $data = [ $expectedIndent, $foundIndent, ]; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $i, 'Indent', $data); if ($fix === true) { $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $expectedIndent); if ($foundIndent === 0) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContentBefore($i, $spaces); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, $spaces); } } } $lastLine = $tokens[$i]['line']; }//end if if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_ARRAY || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY) { // Skip arrays as they have their own indentation rules. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY) { $i = $tokens[$i]['bracket_closer']; } else { $i = $tokens[$i]['parenthesis_closer']; } $lastLine = $tokens[$i]['line']; continue; } if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_ATTRIBUTE) { // Skip attributes as they have their own indentation rules. $i = $tokens[$i]['attribute_closer']; $lastLine = $tokens[$i]['line']; continue; } }//end for }//end processArgumentList() }//end class