<?php /** * Tests for PHP_CodeSniffer error suppression tags. * * @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net> * @copyright 2006-2015 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Config; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Ruleset; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\DummyFile; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class ErrorSuppressionTest extends TestCase { /** * Test suppressing a single error. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param string $after Annotation to place after the code. * @param int $expectedErrors Optional. Number of errors expected. * Defaults to 0. * * @dataProvider dataSuppressError * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressError($before, $after, $expectedErrors=0) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = '<?php '.PHP_EOL.$before.'$var = FALSE;'.PHP_EOL.$after; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); }//end testSuppressError() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSuppressError() * * @return array */ public function dataSuppressError() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], // Inline slash comments. 'disable/enable: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '// phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: multi-line slash comment, tab indented' => [ 'before' => "\t".'// For reasons'.PHP_EOL."\t".'// phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL."\t", 'after' => "\t".'// phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '// @phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '// @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, mixed case' => [ 'before' => '// PHPCS:Disable'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '// pHPcs:enabLE', ], // Inline hash comments. 'disable/enable: hash comment' => [ 'before' => '# phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '# phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: multi-line hash comment, tab indented' => [ 'before' => "\t".'# For reasons'.PHP_EOL."\t".'# phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL."\t", 'after' => "\t".'# phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '# @phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '# @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment, mixed case' => [ 'before' => '# PHPCS:Disable'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '# pHPcs:enabLE', ], // Inline star (block) comments. 'disable/enable: star comment' => [ 'before' => '/* phpcs:disable */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/* phpcs:enable */', ], 'disable/enable: multi-line star comment' => [ 'before' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL.' */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' phpcs:enable'.PHP_EOL.' */', ], 'disable/enable: multi-line star comment, each line starred' => [ 'before' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' * phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL.' */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' * phpcs:enable'.PHP_EOL.' */', ], 'disable/enable: multi-line star comment, each line starred, tab indented' => [ 'before' => "\t".'/*'.PHP_EOL."\t".' * phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL."\t".' */'.PHP_EOL."\t", 'after' => "\t".'/*'.PHP_EOL.' * phpcs:enable'.PHP_EOL.' */', ], // Docblock comments. 'disable/enable: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** phpcs:disable */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/** phpcs:enable */', ], // Deprecated syntax. 'old style: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd', ], 'old style: star comment' => [ 'before' => '/* @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/* @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd */', ], 'old style: multi-line star comment' => [ 'before' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' @codingStandardsIgnoreStart'.PHP_EOL.' */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd'.PHP_EOL.' */', ], 'old style: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */'.PHP_EOL, 'after' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd */', ], ]; }//end dataSuppressError() /** * Test suppressing 1 out of 2 errors. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param string $between Annotation to place between the code. * @param int $expectedErrors Optional. Number of errors expected. * Defaults to 1. * * @dataProvider dataSuppressSomeErrors * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressSomeErrors($before, $between, $expectedErrors=1) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before \$var = FALSE; $between \$var = TRUE; EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); }//end testSuppressSomeErrors() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSuppressSomeErrors() * * @return array */ public function dataSuppressSomeErrors() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'between' => '', 'expectedErrors' => 2, ], // With suppression. 'disable/enable: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable', 'between' => '// phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '// @phpcs:disable', 'between' => '// @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment' => [ 'before' => '# phpcs:disable', 'between' => '# phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '# @phpcs:disable', 'between' => '# @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** phpcs:disable */', 'between' => '/** phpcs:enable */', ], // Deprecated syntax. 'old style: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart', 'between' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd', ], 'old style: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */', 'between' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd */', ], ]; }//end dataSuppressSomeErrors() /** * Test suppressing a single warning. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param string $after Annotation to place after the code. * @param int $expectedWarnings Optional. Number of warnings expected. * Defaults to 0. * * @dataProvider dataSuppressWarning * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressWarning($before, $after, $expectedWarnings=0) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.Commenting.Todo']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before //TODO: write some code. $after EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarningCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarnings()); }//end testSuppressWarning() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSuppressWarning() * * @return array */ public function dataSuppressWarning() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], // With suppression. 'disable/enable: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable', 'after' => '// phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '// @phpcs:disable', 'after' => '// @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** phpcs:disable */', 'after' => '/** phpcs:enable */', ], // Deprecated syntax. 'old style: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart', 'after' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd', ], 'old style: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */', 'after' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd */', ], ]; }//end dataSuppressWarning() /** * Test suppressing a single error using a single line ignore. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param string $after Optional. Annotation to place after the code. * Defaults to an empty string. * @param int $expectedErrors Optional. Number of errors expected. * Defaults to 1. * * @dataProvider dataSuppressLine * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressLine($before, $after='', $expectedErrors=1) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before \$var = FALSE;$after \$var = FALSE; EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); }//end testSuppressLine() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSuppressLine() * * @return array */ public function dataSuppressLine() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'expectedErrors' => 2, ], // With suppression on line before. 'ignore: line before, slash comment' => ['before' => '// phpcs:ignore'], 'ignore: line before, slash comment, with @' => ['before' => '// @phpcs:ignore'], 'ignore: line before, hash comment' => ['before' => '# phpcs:ignore'], 'ignore: line before, hash comment, with @' => ['before' => '# @phpcs:ignore'], 'ignore: line before, star comment' => ['before' => '/* phpcs:ignore */'], 'ignore: line before, star comment, with @' => ['before' => '/* @phpcs:ignore */'], // With suppression as trailing comment on code line. 'ignore: end of line, slash comment' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => ' // phpcs:ignore', ], 'ignore: end of line, slash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => ' // @phpcs:ignore', ], 'ignore: end of line, hash comment' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => ' # phpcs:ignore', ], 'ignore: end of line, hash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => ' # @phpcs:ignore', ], // Deprecated syntax. 'old style: line before, slash comment' => ['before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine'], 'old style: end of line, slash comment' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => ' // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine', ], ]; }//end dataSuppressLine() /** * Test suppressing a single error using a single line ignore in the middle of a line. * * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressLineMidLine() { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); $content = '<?php '.PHP_EOL.'$var = FALSE; /* @phpcs:ignore */ $var = FALSE;'; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame(0, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount(0, $file->getErrors()); }//end testSuppressLineMidLine() /** * Test suppressing a single error using a single line ignore within a docblock. * * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressLineWithinDocblock() { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.Files.LineLength']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); // Process with @ suppression on line before inside docblock. $comment = str_repeat('a ', 50); $content = <<<EOD <?php /** * Comment here * @phpcs:ignore * $comment */ EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame(0, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount(0, $file->getErrors()); }//end testSuppressLineWithinDocblock() /** * Test that using a single line ignore does not interfere with other suppressions. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param string $after Annotation to place after the code. * * @dataProvider dataNestedSuppressLine * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testNestedSuppressLine($before, $after) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before \$var = FALSE; \$var = TRUE; $after EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame(0, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount(0, $file->getErrors()); }//end testNestedSuppressLine() /** * Data provider. * * @see testNestedSuppressLine() * * @return array */ public function dataNestedSuppressLine() { return [ // Process with disable/enable suppression and no single line suppression. 'disable/enable: slash comment, no single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable', 'after' => '// phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, with @, no single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '// @phpcs:disable', 'after' => '// @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment, no single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '# phpcs:disable', 'after' => '# phpcs:enable', ], 'old style: slash comment, no single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart', 'after' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd', ], // Process with line suppression nested within disable/enable suppression. 'disable/enable: slash comment, next line nested single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL.'// phpcs:ignore', 'after' => '// phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, with @, next line nested single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '// @phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL.'// @phpcs:ignore', 'after' => '// @phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment, next line nested single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '# @phpcs:disable'.PHP_EOL.'# @phpcs:ignore', 'after' => '# @phpcs:enable', ], 'old style: slash comment, next line nested single line suppression' => [ 'before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart'.PHP_EOL.'// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine', 'after' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd', ], ]; }//end dataNestedSuppressLine() /** * Test suppressing a scope opener. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the scope opener. * @param string $after Annotation to place after the scope opener. * @param int $expectedErrors Optional. Number of errors expected. * Defaults to 0. * * @dataProvider dataSuppressScope * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressScope($before, $after, $expectedErrors=0) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['PEAR']; $config->sniffs = ['PEAR.Functions.FunctionDeclaration']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = '<?php '.PHP_EOL.$before.'$var = FALSE;'.$after.PHP_EOL.'$var = FALSE;'; $content = <<<EOD <?php class MyClass() { $before function myFunction() { $after \$this->foo(); } } EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); }//end testSuppressScope() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSuppressScope() * * @return array */ public function dataSuppressScope() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], // Process with suppression. 'disable/enable: slash comment' => [ 'before' => '//phpcs:disable', 'after' => '//phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: slash comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '//@phpcs:disable', 'after' => '//@phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: hash comment' => [ 'before' => '#phpcs:disable', 'after' => '#phpcs:enable', ], 'disable/enable: single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** phpcs:disable */', 'after' => '/** phpcs:enable */', ], 'disable/enable: single line docblock comment, with @' => [ 'before' => '/** @phpcs:disable */', 'after' => '/** @phpcs:enable */', ], // Deprecated syntax. 'old style: start/end, slash comment' => [ 'before' => '//@codingStandardsIgnoreStart', 'after' => '//@codingStandardsIgnoreEnd', ], 'old style: start/end, single line docblock comment' => [ 'before' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */', 'after' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd */', ], ]; }//end dataSuppressScope() /** * Test suppressing a whole file. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param string $after Optional. Annotation to place after the code. * Defaults to an empty string. * @param int $expectedWarnings Optional. Number of warnings expected. * Defaults to 0. * * @dataProvider dataSuppressFile * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testSuppressFile($before, $after='', $expectedWarnings=0) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = ['Generic.Commenting.Todo']; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before class MyClass {} \$foo = new MyClass(); //TODO: write some code $after EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarningCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarnings()); }//end testSuppressFile() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSuppressFile() * * @return array */ public function dataSuppressFile() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], // Process with suppression. 'ignoreFile: start of file, slash comment' => ['before' => '// phpcs:ignoreFile'], 'ignoreFile: start of file, slash comment, with @' => ['before' => '// @phpcs:ignoreFile'], 'ignoreFile: start of file, slash comment, mixed case' => ['before' => '// PHPCS:Ignorefile'], 'ignoreFile: start of file, hash comment' => ['before' => '# phpcs:ignoreFile'], 'ignoreFile: start of file, hash comment, with @' => ['before' => '# @phpcs:ignoreFile'], 'ignoreFile: start of file, single-line star comment' => ['before' => '/* phpcs:ignoreFile */'], 'ignoreFile: start of file, multi-line star comment' => [ 'before' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' phpcs:ignoreFile'.PHP_EOL.' */', ], 'ignoreFile: start of file, single-line docblock comment' => ['before' => '/** phpcs:ignoreFile */'], // Process late comment. 'ignoreFile: late comment, slash comment' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '// phpcs:ignoreFile', ], // Deprecated syntax. 'old style: start of file, slash comment' => ['before' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile'], 'old style: start of file, single-line star comment' => ['before' => '/* @codingStandardsIgnoreFile */'], 'old style: start of file, multi-line star comment' => [ 'before' => '/*'.PHP_EOL.' @codingStandardsIgnoreFile'.PHP_EOL.' */', ], 'old style: start of file, single-line docblock comment' => ['before' => '/** @codingStandardsIgnoreFile */'], // Deprecated syntax, late comment. 'old style: late comment, slash comment' => [ 'before' => '', 'after' => '// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile', ], ]; }//end dataSuppressFile() /** * Test disabling specific sniffs. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param int $expectedErrors Optional. Number of errors expected. * Defaults to 0. * @param int $expectedWarnings Optional. Number of warnings expected. * Defaults to 0. * * @dataProvider dataDisableSelected * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testDisableSelected($before, $expectedErrors=0, $expectedWarnings=0) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = [ 'Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', 'Generic.Commenting.Todo', ]; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before \$var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); $this->assertSame($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarningCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarnings()); }//end testDisableSelected() /** * Data provider. * * @see testDisableSelected() * * @return array */ public function dataDisableSelected() { return [ // Single sniff. 'disable: single sniff' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff with reason' => [ 'before' => '# phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo -- for reasons', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff, docblock' => [ 'before' => '/**'.PHP_EOL.' * phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo'.PHP_EOL.' */ ', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff, docblock, with @' => [ 'before' => '/**'.PHP_EOL.' * @phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo'.PHP_EOL.' */ ', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], // Multiple sniffs. 'disable: multiple sniffs in one comment' => ['before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo,Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant'], 'disable: multiple sniff in multiple comments' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo'.PHP_EOL.'// phpcs:disable Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', ], // Selectiveness variations. 'disable: complete category' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], 'disable: whole standard' => ['before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic'], 'disable: single errorcode' => [ 'before' => '# @phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo.TaskFound', 'expectedErrors' => 1, ], 'disable: single errorcode and a category' => ['before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant.Found,Generic.Commenting'], // Wrong category/sniff/code. 'disable: wrong error code and category' => [ 'before' => '/**'.PHP_EOL.' * phpcs:disable Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant.Upper,Generic.Comments'.PHP_EOL.' */ ', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: wrong category, docblock' => [ 'before' => '/**'.PHP_EOL.' * phpcs:disable Generic.Files'.PHP_EOL.' */ ', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: wrong category, docblock, with @' => [ 'before' => '/**'.PHP_EOL.' * @phpcs:disable Generic.Files'.PHP_EOL.' */ ', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], ]; }//end dataDisableSelected() /** * Test re-enabling specific sniffs that have been disabled. * * @param string $code Code pattern to check. * @param int $expectedErrors Number of errors expected. * @param int $expectedWarnings Number of warnings expected. * * @dataProvider dataEnableSelected * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testEnableSelected($code, $expectedErrors, $expectedWarnings) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = [ 'Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', 'Generic.Commenting.Todo', ]; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = '<?php '.$code; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); $this->assertSame($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarningCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarnings()); }//end testEnableSelected() /** * Data provider. * * @see testEnableSelected() * * @return array */ public function dataEnableSelected() { return [ 'disable/enable: a single sniff' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable/enable: multiple sniffs' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo,Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo,Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant //TODO: write some code $var = FALSE;', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: multiple sniffs; enable: one' => [ 'code' => ' # phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo,Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code # phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo //TODO: write some code $var = FALSE;', 'expectedErrors' => 0, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable/enable: complete category' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable/enable: whole standard' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 0, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: whole standard; enable: category from the standard' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 0, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: a category; enable: the whole standard containing the category' => [ 'code' => ' # phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code # phpcs:enable Generic //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff; enable: the category containing the sniff' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: whole standard; enable: single sniff from the standard' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 0, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: whole standard; enable: single sniff from the standard; disable: that same sniff; enable: everything' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo //TODO: write some code // phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 0, 'expectedWarnings' => 2, ], 'disable: whole standard; enable: single sniff from the standard; enable: other sniff from the standard' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo //TODO: write some code $var = FALSE; // phpcs:enable Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant //TODO: write some code $var = FALSE;', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 2, ], ]; }//end dataEnableSelected() /** * Test ignoring specific sniffs. * * @param string $before Annotation to place before the code. * @param int $expectedErrors Number of errors expected. * @param int $expectedWarnings Number of warnings expected. * * @dataProvider dataIgnoreSelected * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testIgnoreSelected($before, $expectedErrors, $expectedWarnings) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = [ 'Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', 'Generic.Commenting.Todo', ]; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = <<<EOD <?php $before \$var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code \$var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code EOD; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); $this->assertSame($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarningCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarnings()); }//end testIgnoreSelected() /** * Data provider. * * @see testIgnoreSelected() * * @return array */ public function dataIgnoreSelected() { return [ 'no suppression' => [ 'before' => '', 'expectedErrors' => 2, 'expectedWarnings' => 2, ], // With suppression. 'ignore: single sniff' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.Todo', 'expectedErrors' => 2, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'ignore: multiple sniffs' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.Todo,Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff; ignore: single sniff' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo'.PHP_EOL.'// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 0, ], 'ignore: category of sniffs' => [ 'before' => '# phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting', 'expectedErrors' => 2, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'ignore: whole standard' => [ 'before' => '// phpcs:ignore Generic', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], ]; }//end dataIgnoreSelected() /** * Test ignoring specific sniffs. * * @param string $code Code pattern to check. * @param int $expectedErrors Number of errors expected. * @param int $expectedWarnings Number of warnings expected. * * @dataProvider dataCommenting * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\Tokenizer::createPositionMap * * @return void */ public function testCommenting($code, $expectedErrors, $expectedWarnings) { static $config, $ruleset; if (isset($config, $ruleset) === false) { $config = new Config(); $config->standards = ['Generic']; $config->sniffs = [ 'Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant', 'Generic.Commenting.Todo', ]; $ruleset = new Ruleset($config); } $content = '<?php '.$code; $file = new DummyFile($content, $ruleset, $config); $file->process(); $this->assertSame($expectedErrors, $file->getErrorCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedErrors, $file->getErrors()); $this->assertSame($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarningCount()); $this->assertCount($expectedWarnings, $file->getWarnings()); }//end testCommenting() /** * Data provider. * * @see testCommenting() * * @return array */ public function dataCommenting() { return [ 'ignore: single sniff' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.Todo -- Because reasons $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 2, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff; enable: same sniff - test whitespace handling around reason delimiter' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo --Because reasons $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code // phpcs:enable Generic.Commenting.Todo -- Because reasons //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'disable: single sniff, multi-line comment' => [ 'code' => ' /* Disable some checks phpcs:disable Generic.Commenting.Todo */ $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 1, 'expectedWarnings' => 0, ], 'ignore: single sniff, multi-line slash comment' => [ 'code' => ' // Turn off a check for the next line of code. // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.Todo $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code $var = FALSE; //TODO: write some code', 'expectedErrors' => 2, 'expectedWarnings' => 1, ], 'enable before disable, sniff not in standard' => [ 'code' => ' // phpcs:enable Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors -- Because reasons $var = @delete( $filename ); ', 'expectedErrors' => 0, 'expectedWarnings' => 0, ], ]; }//end dataCommenting() }//end class