<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; class CronExpression_DayOfMonthField extends CronExpression_AbstractField { private static function getNearestWeekday($currentYear, $currentMonth, $targetDay) { $tday = str_pad($targetDay, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $target = new DateTime("$currentYear-$currentMonth-$tday"); $currentWeekday = (int) $target->format('N'); if ($currentWeekday < 6) { return $target; } $lastDayOfMonth = $target->format('t'); foreach (array(-1, 1, -2, 2) as $i) { $adjusted = $targetDay + $i; if ($adjusted > 0 && $adjusted <= $lastDayOfMonth) { $target->setDate($currentYear, $currentMonth, $adjusted); if ($target->format('N') < 6 && $target->format('m') == $currentMonth) { return $target; } } } } public function isSatisfiedBy(DateTime $date, $value) { // ? states that the field value is to be skipped if ($value == '?') { return true; } $fieldValue = $date->format('d'); // Check to see if this is the last day of the month if ($value == 'L') { return $fieldValue == $date->format('t'); } // Check to see if this is the nearest weekday to a particular value if (strpos($value, 'W')) { // Parse the target day $targetDay = substr($value, 0, strpos($value, 'W')); // Find out if the current day is the nearest day of the week return $date->format('j') == self::getNearestWeekday( $date->format('Y'), $date->format('m'), $targetDay )->format('j'); } return $this->isSatisfied($date->format('d'), $value); } public function increment(DateTime $date, $invert = false) { if ($invert) { $date->modify('previous day'); $date->setTime(23, 59); } else { $date->modify('next day'); $date->setTime(0, 0); } return $this; } public function validate($value) { return (bool) preg_match('/[\*,\/\-\?LW0-9A-Za-z]+/', $value); } }