<?php /** * Stores the configuration used to run PHPCS and PHPCBF. * * Parses the command line to determine user supplied values * and provides functions to access data stored in config files. * * @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net> * @copyright 2006-2015 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Common; /** * Stores the configuration used to run PHPCS and PHPCBF. * * @property string[] $files The files and directories to check. * @property string[] $standards The standards being used for checking. * @property int $verbosity How verbose the output should be. * 0: no unnecessary output * 1: basic output for files being checked * 2: ruleset and file parsing output * 3: sniff execution output * @property bool $interactive Enable interactive checking mode. * @property bool $parallel Check files in parallel. * @property bool $cache Enable the use of the file cache. * @property bool $cacheFile A file where the cache data should be written * @property bool $colors Display colours in output. * @property bool $explain Explain the coding standards. * @property bool $local Process local files in directories only (no recursion). * @property bool $showSources Show sniff source codes in report output. * @property bool $showProgress Show basic progress information while running. * @property bool $quiet Quiet mode; disables progress and verbose output. * @property bool $annotations Process phpcs: annotations. * @property int $tabWidth How many spaces each tab is worth. * @property string $encoding The encoding of the files being checked. * @property string[] $sniffs The sniffs that should be used for checking. * If empty, all sniffs in the supplied standards will be used. * @property string[] $exclude The sniffs that should be excluded from checking. * If empty, all sniffs in the supplied standards will be used. * @property string[] $ignored Regular expressions used to ignore files and folders during checking. * @property string $reportFile A file where the report output should be written. * @property string $generator The documentation generator to use. * @property string $filter The filter to use for the run. * @property string[] $bootstrap One of more files to include before the run begins. * @property int $reportWidth The maximum number of columns that reports should use for output. * Set to "auto" for have this value changed to the width of the terminal. * @property int $errorSeverity The minimum severity an error must have to be displayed. * @property int $warningSeverity The minimum severity a warning must have to be displayed. * @property bool $recordErrors Record the content of error messages as well as error counts. * @property string $suffix A suffix to add to fixed files. * @property string $basepath A file system location to strip from the paths of files shown in reports. * @property bool $stdin Read content from STDIN instead of supplied files. * @property string $stdinContent Content passed directly to PHPCS on STDIN. * @property string $stdinPath The path to use for content passed on STDIN. * * @property array<string, string> $extensions File extensions that should be checked, and what tokenizer to use. * E.g., array('inc' => 'PHP'); * @property array<string, string|null> $reports The reports to use for printing output after the run. * The format of the array is: * array( * 'reportName1' => 'outputFile', * 'reportName2' => null, * ); * If the array value is NULL, the report will be written to the screen. * * @property string[] $unknown Any arguments gathered on the command line that are unknown to us. * E.g., using `phpcs -c` will give array('c'); */ class Config { /** * The current version. * * @var string */ const VERSION = '3.7.1'; /** * Package stability; either stable, beta or alpha. * * @var string */ const STABILITY = 'stable'; /** * An array of settings that PHPCS and PHPCBF accept. * * This array is not meant to be accessed directly. Instead, use the settings * as if they are class member vars so the __get() and __set() magic methods * can be used to validate the values. For example, to set the verbosity level to * level 2, use $this->verbosity = 2; instead of accessing this property directly. * * Each of these settings is described in the class comment property list. * * @var array<string, mixed> */ private $settings = [ 'files' => null, 'standards' => null, 'verbosity' => null, 'interactive' => null, 'parallel' => null, 'cache' => null, 'cacheFile' => null, 'colors' => null, 'explain' => null, 'local' => null, 'showSources' => null, 'showProgress' => null, 'quiet' => null, 'annotations' => null, 'tabWidth' => null, 'encoding' => null, 'extensions' => null, 'sniffs' => null, 'exclude' => null, 'ignored' => null, 'reportFile' => null, 'generator' => null, 'filter' => null, 'bootstrap' => null, 'reports' => null, 'basepath' => null, 'reportWidth' => null, 'errorSeverity' => null, 'warningSeverity' => null, 'recordErrors' => null, 'suffix' => null, 'stdin' => null, 'stdinContent' => null, 'stdinPath' => null, 'unknown' => null, ]; /** * Whether or not to kill the process when an unknown command line arg is found. * * If FALSE, arguments that are not command line options or file/directory paths * will be ignored and execution will continue. These values will be stored in * $this->unknown. * * @var boolean */ public $dieOnUnknownArg; /** * The current command line arguments we are processing. * * @var string[] */ private $cliArgs = []; /** * Command line values that the user has supplied directly. * * @var array<string, TRUE> */ private static $overriddenDefaults = []; /** * Config file data that has been loaded for the run. * * @var array<string, string> */ private static $configData = null; /** * The full path to the config data file that has been loaded. * * @var string */ private static $configDataFile = null; /** * Automatically discovered executable utility paths. * * @var array<string, string> */ private static $executablePaths = []; /** * Get the value of an inaccessible property. * * @param string $name The name of the property. * * @return mixed * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException If the setting name is invalid. */ public function __get($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->settings) === false) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: unable to get value of property \"$name\""); } return $this->settings[$name]; }//end __get() /** * Set the value of an inaccessible property. * * @param string $name The name of the property. * @param mixed $value The value of the property. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException If the setting name is invalid. */ public function __set($name, $value) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->settings) === false) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't __set() $name; setting doesn't exist"); } switch ($name) { case 'reportWidth' : // Support auto terminal width. if ($value === 'auto' && function_exists('shell_exec') === true && preg_match('|\d+ (\d+)|', shell_exec('stty size 2>&1'), $matches) === 1 ) { $value = (int) $matches[1]; } else { $value = (int) $value; } break; case 'standards' : $cleaned = []; // Check if the standard name is valid, or if the case is invalid. $installedStandards = Util\Standards::getInstalledStandards(); foreach ($value as $standard) { foreach ($installedStandards as $validStandard) { if (strtolower($standard) === strtolower($validStandard)) { $standard = $validStandard; break; } } $cleaned[] = $standard; } $value = $cleaned; break; default : // No validation required. break; }//end switch $this->settings[$name] = $value; }//end __set() /** * Check if the value of an inaccessible property is set. * * @param string $name The name of the property. * * @return bool */ public function __isset($name) { return isset($this->settings[$name]); }//end __isset() /** * Unset the value of an inaccessible property. * * @param string $name The name of the property. * * @return void */ public function __unset($name) { $this->settings[$name] = null; }//end __unset() /** * Get the array of all config settings. * * @return array<string, mixed> */ public function getSettings() { return $this->settings; }//end getSettings() /** * Set the array of all config settings. * * @param array<string, mixed> $settings The array of config settings. * * @return void */ public function setSettings($settings) { return $this->settings = $settings; }//end setSettings() /** * Creates a Config object and populates it with command line values. * * @param array $cliArgs An array of values gathered from CLI args. * @param bool $dieOnUnknownArg Whether or not to kill the process when an * unknown command line arg is found. * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $cliArgs=[], $dieOnUnknownArg=true) { if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === true) { // Let everything through during testing so that we can // make use of PHPUnit command line arguments as well. $this->dieOnUnknownArg = false; } else { $this->dieOnUnknownArg = $dieOnUnknownArg; } if (empty($cliArgs) === true) { $cliArgs = $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($cliArgs); } $this->restoreDefaults(); $this->setCommandLineValues($cliArgs); if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['standards']) === false) { // They did not supply a standard to use. // Look for a default ruleset in the current directory or higher. $currentDir = getcwd(); $defaultFiles = [ '.phpcs.xml', 'phpcs.xml', '.phpcs.xml.dist', 'phpcs.xml.dist', ]; do { foreach ($defaultFiles as $defaultFilename) { $default = $currentDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$defaultFilename; if (is_file($default) === true) { $this->standards = [$default]; break(2); } } $lastDir = $currentDir; $currentDir = dirname($currentDir); } while ($currentDir !== '.' && $currentDir !== $lastDir && Common::isReadable($currentDir) === true); }//end if if (defined('STDIN') === false || stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0 ) { return; } $handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); // Check for content on STDIN. if ($this->stdin === true || (Util\Common::isStdinATTY() === false && feof($handle) === false) ) { $readStreams = [$handle]; $writeSteams = null; $fileContents = ''; while (is_resource($handle) === true && feof($handle) === false) { // Set a timeout of 200ms. if (stream_select($readStreams, $writeSteams, $writeSteams, 0, 200000) === 0) { break; } $fileContents .= fgets($handle); } if (trim($fileContents) !== '') { $this->stdin = true; $this->stdinContent = $fileContents; self::$overriddenDefaults['stdin'] = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['stdinContent'] = true; } }//end if fclose($handle); }//end __construct() /** * Set the command line values. * * @param array $args An array of command line arguments to set. * * @return void */ public function setCommandLineValues($args) { $this->cliArgs = $args; $numArgs = count($args); for ($i = 0; $i < $numArgs; $i++) { $arg = $this->cliArgs[$i]; if ($arg === '') { continue; } if ($arg[0] === '-') { if ($arg === '-') { // Asking to read from STDIN. $this->stdin = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['stdin'] = true; continue; } if ($arg === '--') { // Empty argument, ignore it. continue; } if ($arg[1] === '-') { $this->processLongArgument(substr($arg, 2), $i); } else { $switches = str_split($arg); foreach ($switches as $switch) { if ($switch === '-') { continue; } $this->processShortArgument($switch, $i); } } } else { $this->processUnknownArgument($arg, $i); }//end if }//end for }//end setCommandLineValues() /** * Restore default values for all possible command line arguments. * * @return void */ public function restoreDefaults() { $this->files = []; $this->standards = ['PEAR']; $this->verbosity = 0; $this->interactive = false; $this->cache = false; $this->cacheFile = null; $this->colors = false; $this->explain = false; $this->local = false; $this->showSources = false; $this->showProgress = false; $this->quiet = false; $this->annotations = true; $this->parallel = 1; $this->tabWidth = 0; $this->encoding = 'utf-8'; $this->extensions = [ 'php' => 'PHP', 'inc' => 'PHP', 'js' => 'JS', 'css' => 'CSS', ]; $this->sniffs = []; $this->exclude = []; $this->ignored = []; $this->reportFile = null; $this->generator = null; $this->filter = null; $this->bootstrap = []; $this->basepath = null; $this->reports = ['full' => null]; $this->reportWidth = 'auto'; $this->errorSeverity = 5; $this->warningSeverity = 5; $this->recordErrors = true; $this->suffix = ''; $this->stdin = false; $this->stdinContent = null; $this->stdinPath = null; $this->unknown = []; $standard = self::getConfigData('default_standard'); if ($standard !== null) { $this->standards = explode(',', $standard); } $reportFormat = self::getConfigData('report_format'); if ($reportFormat !== null) { $this->reports = [$reportFormat => null]; } $tabWidth = self::getConfigData('tab_width'); if ($tabWidth !== null) { $this->tabWidth = (int) $tabWidth; } $encoding = self::getConfigData('encoding'); if ($encoding !== null) { $this->encoding = strtolower($encoding); } $severity = self::getConfigData('severity'); if ($severity !== null) { $this->errorSeverity = (int) $severity; $this->warningSeverity = (int) $severity; } $severity = self::getConfigData('error_severity'); if ($severity !== null) { $this->errorSeverity = (int) $severity; } $severity = self::getConfigData('warning_severity'); if ($severity !== null) { $this->warningSeverity = (int) $severity; } $showWarnings = self::getConfigData('show_warnings'); if ($showWarnings !== null) { $showWarnings = (bool) $showWarnings; if ($showWarnings === false) { $this->warningSeverity = 0; } } $reportWidth = self::getConfigData('report_width'); if ($reportWidth !== null) { $this->reportWidth = $reportWidth; } $showProgress = self::getConfigData('show_progress'); if ($showProgress !== null) { $this->showProgress = (bool) $showProgress; } $quiet = self::getConfigData('quiet'); if ($quiet !== null) { $this->quiet = (bool) $quiet; } $colors = self::getConfigData('colors'); if ($colors !== null) { $this->colors = (bool) $colors; } if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === false) { $cache = self::getConfigData('cache'); if ($cache !== null) { $this->cache = (bool) $cache; } $parallel = self::getConfigData('parallel'); if ($parallel !== null) { $this->parallel = max((int) $parallel, 1); } } }//end restoreDefaults() /** * Processes a short (-e) command line argument. * * @param string $arg The command line argument. * @param int $pos The position of the argument on the command line. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException */ public function processShortArgument($arg, $pos) { switch ($arg) { case 'h': case '?': ob_start(); $this->printUsage(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'i' : ob_start(); Util\Standards::printInstalledStandards(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'v' : if ($this->quiet === true) { // Ignore when quiet mode is enabled. break; } $this->verbosity++; self::$overriddenDefaults['verbosity'] = true; break; case 'l' : $this->local = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['local'] = true; break; case 's' : $this->showSources = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['showSources'] = true; break; case 'a' : $this->interactive = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['interactive'] = true; break; case 'e': $this->explain = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['explain'] = true; break; case 'p' : if ($this->quiet === true) { // Ignore when quiet mode is enabled. break; } $this->showProgress = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['showProgress'] = true; break; case 'q' : // Quiet mode disables a few other settings as well. $this->quiet = true; $this->showProgress = false; $this->verbosity = 0; self::$overriddenDefaults['quiet'] = true; break; case 'm' : $this->recordErrors = false; self::$overriddenDefaults['recordErrors'] = true; break; case 'd' : $ini = explode('=', $this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]); $this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)] = ''; if (isset($ini[1]) === true) { ini_set($ini[0], $ini[1]); } else { ini_set($ini[0], true); } break; case 'n' : if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity']) === false) { $this->warningSeverity = 0; self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity'] = true; } break; case 'w' : if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity']) === false) { $this->warningSeverity = $this->errorSeverity; self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity'] = true; } break; default: if ($this->dieOnUnknownArg === false) { $unknown = $this->unknown; $unknown[] = $arg; $this->unknown = $unknown; } else { $this->processUnknownArgument('-'.$arg, $pos); } }//end switch }//end processShortArgument() /** * Processes a long (--example) command line argument. * * @param string $arg The command line argument. * @param int $pos The position of the argument on the command line. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException */ public function processLongArgument($arg, $pos) { switch ($arg) { case 'help': ob_start(); $this->printUsage(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'version': $output = 'PHP_CodeSniffer version '.self::VERSION.' ('.self::STABILITY.') '; $output .= 'by Squiz (http://www.squiz.net)'.PHP_EOL; throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'colors': if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['colors']) === true) { break; } $this->colors = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['colors'] = true; break; case 'no-colors': if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['colors']) === true) { break; } $this->colors = false; self::$overriddenDefaults['colors'] = true; break; case 'cache': if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['cache']) === true) { break; } if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === false) { $this->cache = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['cache'] = true; } break; case 'no-cache': if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['cache']) === true) { break; } $this->cache = false; self::$overriddenDefaults['cache'] = true; break; case 'ignore-annotations': if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['annotations']) === true) { break; } $this->annotations = false; self::$overriddenDefaults['annotations'] = true; break; case 'config-set': if (isset($this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]) === false || isset($this->cliArgs[($pos + 2)]) === false ) { $error = 'ERROR: Setting a config option requires a name and value'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $key = $this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]; $value = $this->cliArgs[($pos + 2)]; $current = self::getConfigData($key); try { $this->setConfigData($key, $value); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new DeepExitException($e->getMessage().PHP_EOL, 3); } $output = 'Using config file: '.self::$configDataFile.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; if ($current === null) { $output .= "Config value \"$key\" added successfully".PHP_EOL; } else { $output .= "Config value \"$key\" updated successfully; old value was \"$current\"".PHP_EOL; } throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'config-delete': if (isset($this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: Deleting a config option requires the name of the option'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $output = 'Using config file: '.self::$configDataFile.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $key = $this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]; $current = self::getConfigData($key); if ($current === null) { $output .= "Config value \"$key\" has not been set".PHP_EOL; } else { try { $this->setConfigData($key, null); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new DeepExitException($e->getMessage().PHP_EOL, 3); } $output .= "Config value \"$key\" removed successfully; old value was \"$current\"".PHP_EOL; } throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'config-show': ob_start(); $data = self::getAllConfigData(); echo 'Using config file: '.self::$configDataFile.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $this->printConfigData($data); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); throw new DeepExitException($output, 0); case 'runtime-set': if (isset($this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]) === false || isset($this->cliArgs[($pos + 2)]) === false ) { $error = 'ERROR: Setting a runtime config option requires a name and value'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $key = $this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)]; $value = $this->cliArgs[($pos + 2)]; $this->cliArgs[($pos + 1)] = ''; $this->cliArgs[($pos + 2)] = ''; self::setConfigData($key, $value, true); if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['runtime-set']) === false) { self::$overriddenDefaults['runtime-set'] = []; } self::$overriddenDefaults['runtime-set'][$key] = true; break; default: if (substr($arg, 0, 7) === 'sniffs=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['sniffs']) === true) { break; } $sniffs = explode(',', substr($arg, 7)); foreach ($sniffs as $sniff) { if (substr_count($sniff, '.') !== 2) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified sniff code "'.$sniff.'" is invalid'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } } $this->sniffs = $sniffs; self::$overriddenDefaults['sniffs'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 8) === 'exclude=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['exclude']) === true) { break; } $sniffs = explode(',', substr($arg, 8)); foreach ($sniffs as $sniff) { if (substr_count($sniff, '.') !== 2) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified sniff code "'.$sniff.'" is invalid'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } } $this->exclude = $sniffs; self::$overriddenDefaults['exclude'] = true; } else if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === false && substr($arg, 0, 6) === 'cache=' ) { if ((isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['cache']) === true && $this->cache === false) || isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['cacheFile']) === true ) { break; } // Turn caching on. $this->cache = true; self::$overriddenDefaults['cache'] = true; $this->cacheFile = Util\Common::realpath(substr($arg, 6)); // It may not exist and return false instead. if ($this->cacheFile === false) { $this->cacheFile = substr($arg, 6); $dir = dirname($this->cacheFile); if (is_dir($dir) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified cache file path "'.$this->cacheFile.'" points to a non-existent directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } if ($dir === '.') { // Passed cache file is a file in the current directory. $this->cacheFile = getcwd().'/'.basename($this->cacheFile); } else { if ($dir[0] === '/') { // An absolute path. $dir = Util\Common::realpath($dir); } else { $dir = Util\Common::realpath(getcwd().'/'.$dir); } if ($dir !== false) { // Cache file path is relative. $this->cacheFile = $dir.'/'.basename($this->cacheFile); } } }//end if self::$overriddenDefaults['cacheFile'] = true; if (is_dir($this->cacheFile) === true) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified cache file path "'.$this->cacheFile.'" is a directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } } else if (substr($arg, 0, 10) === 'bootstrap=') { $files = explode(',', substr($arg, 10)); $bootstrap = []; foreach ($files as $file) { $path = Util\Common::realpath($file); if ($path === false) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified bootstrap file "'.$file.'" does not exist'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $bootstrap[] = $path; } $this->bootstrap = array_merge($this->bootstrap, $bootstrap); self::$overriddenDefaults['bootstrap'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 10) === 'file-list=') { $fileList = substr($arg, 10); $path = Util\Common::realpath($fileList); if ($path === false) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified file list "'.$fileList.'" does not exist'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $files = file($path); foreach ($files as $inputFile) { $inputFile = trim($inputFile); // Skip empty lines. if ($inputFile === '') { continue; } $this->processFilePath($inputFile); } } else if (substr($arg, 0, 11) === 'stdin-path=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['stdinPath']) === true) { break; } $this->stdinPath = Util\Common::realpath(substr($arg, 11)); // It may not exist and return false instead, so use whatever they gave us. if ($this->stdinPath === false) { $this->stdinPath = trim(substr($arg, 11)); } self::$overriddenDefaults['stdinPath'] = true; } else if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_CBF === false && substr($arg, 0, 12) === 'report-file=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['reportFile']) === true) { break; } $this->reportFile = Util\Common::realpath(substr($arg, 12)); // It may not exist and return false instead. if ($this->reportFile === false) { $this->reportFile = substr($arg, 12); $dir = Util\Common::realpath(dirname($this->reportFile)); if (is_dir($dir) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified report file path "'.$this->reportFile.'" points to a non-existent directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $this->reportFile = $dir.'/'.basename($this->reportFile); }//end if self::$overriddenDefaults['reportFile'] = true; if (is_dir($this->reportFile) === true) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified report file path "'.$this->reportFile.'" is a directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } } else if (substr($arg, 0, 13) === 'report-width=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['reportWidth']) === true) { break; } $this->reportWidth = substr($arg, 13); self::$overriddenDefaults['reportWidth'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 9) === 'basepath=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['basepath']) === true) { break; } self::$overriddenDefaults['basepath'] = true; if (substr($arg, 9) === '') { $this->basepath = null; break; } $this->basepath = Util\Common::realpath(substr($arg, 9)); // It may not exist and return false instead. if ($this->basepath === false) { $this->basepath = substr($arg, 9); } if (is_dir($this->basepath) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified basepath "'.$this->basepath.'" points to a non-existent directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } } else if ((substr($arg, 0, 7) === 'report=' || substr($arg, 0, 7) === 'report-')) { $reports = []; if ($arg[6] === '-') { // This is a report with file output. $split = strpos($arg, '='); if ($split === false) { $report = substr($arg, 7); $output = null; } else { $report = substr($arg, 7, ($split - 7)); $output = substr($arg, ($split + 1)); if ($output === false) { $output = null; } else { $dir = Util\Common::realpath(dirname($output)); if (is_dir($dir) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified '.$report.' report file path "'.$output.'" points to a non-existent directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $output = $dir.'/'.basename($output); if (is_dir($output) === true) { $error = 'ERROR: The specified '.$report.' report file path "'.$output.'" is a directory'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } }//end if }//end if $reports[$report] = $output; } else { // This is a single report. if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['reports']) === true) { break; } $reportNames = explode(',', substr($arg, 7)); foreach ($reportNames as $report) { $reports[$report] = null; } }//end if // Remove the default value so the CLI value overrides it. if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['reports']) === false) { $this->reports = $reports; } else { $this->reports = array_merge($this->reports, $reports); } self::$overriddenDefaults['reports'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 7) === 'filter=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['filter']) === true) { break; } $this->filter = substr($arg, 7); self::$overriddenDefaults['filter'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 9) === 'standard=') { $standards = trim(substr($arg, 9)); if ($standards !== '') { $this->standards = explode(',', $standards); } self::$overriddenDefaults['standards'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 11) === 'extensions=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['extensions']) === true) { break; } $extensions = explode(',', substr($arg, 11)); $newExtensions = []; foreach ($extensions as $ext) { $slash = strpos($ext, '/'); if ($slash !== false) { // They specified the tokenizer too. list($ext, $tokenizer) = explode('/', $ext); $newExtensions[$ext] = strtoupper($tokenizer); continue; } if (isset($this->extensions[$ext]) === true) { $newExtensions[$ext] = $this->extensions[$ext]; } else { $newExtensions[$ext] = 'PHP'; } } $this->extensions = $newExtensions; self::$overriddenDefaults['extensions'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 7) === 'suffix=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['suffix']) === true) { break; } $this->suffix = substr($arg, 7); self::$overriddenDefaults['suffix'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 9) === 'parallel=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['parallel']) === true) { break; } $this->parallel = max((int) substr($arg, 9), 1); self::$overriddenDefaults['parallel'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 9) === 'severity=') { $this->errorSeverity = (int) substr($arg, 9); $this->warningSeverity = $this->errorSeverity; if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['errorSeverity']) === false) { self::$overriddenDefaults['errorSeverity'] = true; } if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity']) === false) { self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity'] = true; } } else if (substr($arg, 0, 15) === 'error-severity=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['errorSeverity']) === true) { break; } $this->errorSeverity = (int) substr($arg, 15); self::$overriddenDefaults['errorSeverity'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 17) === 'warning-severity=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity']) === true) { break; } $this->warningSeverity = (int) substr($arg, 17); self::$overriddenDefaults['warningSeverity'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 7) === 'ignore=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['ignored']) === true) { break; } // Split the ignore string on commas, unless the comma is escaped // using 1 or 3 slashes (\, or \\\,). $patterns = preg_split( '/(?<=(?<!\\\\)\\\\\\\\),|(?<!\\\\),/', substr($arg, 7) ); $ignored = []; foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { $pattern = trim($pattern); if ($pattern === '') { continue; } $ignored[$pattern] = 'absolute'; } $this->ignored = $ignored; self::$overriddenDefaults['ignored'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 10) === 'generator=' && PHP_CODESNIFFER_CBF === false ) { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['generator']) === true) { break; } $this->generator = substr($arg, 10); self::$overriddenDefaults['generator'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 9) === 'encoding=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['encoding']) === true) { break; } $this->encoding = strtolower(substr($arg, 9)); self::$overriddenDefaults['encoding'] = true; } else if (substr($arg, 0, 10) === 'tab-width=') { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['tabWidth']) === true) { break; } $this->tabWidth = (int) substr($arg, 10); self::$overriddenDefaults['tabWidth'] = true; } else { if ($this->dieOnUnknownArg === false) { $eqPos = strpos($arg, '='); try { if ($eqPos === false) { $this->values[$arg] = $arg; } else { $value = substr($arg, ($eqPos + 1)); $arg = substr($arg, 0, $eqPos); $this->values[$arg] = $value; } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { // Value is not valid, so just ignore it. } } else { $this->processUnknownArgument('--'.$arg, $pos); } }//end if break; }//end switch }//end processLongArgument() /** * Processes an unknown command line argument. * * Assumes all unknown arguments are files and folders to check. * * @param string $arg The command line argument. * @param int $pos The position of the argument on the command line. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException */ public function processUnknownArgument($arg, $pos) { // We don't know about any additional switches; just files. if ($arg[0] === '-') { if ($this->dieOnUnknownArg === false) { return; } $error = "ERROR: option \"$arg\" not known".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } $this->processFilePath($arg); }//end processUnknownArgument() /** * Processes a file path and add it to the file list. * * @param string $path The path to the file to add. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException */ public function processFilePath($path) { // If we are processing STDIN, don't record any files to check. if ($this->stdin === true) { return; } $file = Util\Common::realpath($path); if (file_exists($file) === false) { if ($this->dieOnUnknownArg === false) { return; } $error = 'ERROR: The file "'.$path.'" does not exist.'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; $error .= $this->printShortUsage(true); throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } else { // Can't modify the files array directly because it's not a real // class member, so need to use this little get/modify/set trick. $files = $this->files; $files[] = $file; $this->files = $files; self::$overriddenDefaults['files'] = true; } }//end processFilePath() /** * Prints out the usage information for this script. * * @return void */ public function printUsage() { echo PHP_EOL; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_CBF === true) { $this->printPHPCBFUsage(); } else { $this->printPHPCSUsage(); } echo PHP_EOL; }//end printUsage() /** * Prints out the short usage information for this script. * * @param bool $return If TRUE, the usage string is returned * instead of output to screen. * * @return string|void */ public function printShortUsage($return=false) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_CBF === true) { $usage = 'Run "phpcbf --help" for usage information'; } else { $usage = 'Run "phpcs --help" for usage information'; } $usage .= PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; if ($return === true) { return $usage; } echo $usage; }//end printShortUsage() /** * Prints out the usage information for PHPCS. * * @return void */ public function printPHPCSUsage() { echo 'Usage: phpcs [-nwlsaepqvi] [-d key[=value]] [--colors] [--no-colors]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--cache[=<cacheFile>]] [--no-cache] [--tab-width=<tabWidth>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--report=<report>] [--report-file=<reportFile>] [--report-<report>=<reportFile>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--report-width=<reportWidth>] [--basepath=<basepath>] [--bootstrap=<bootstrap>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--severity=<severity>] [--error-severity=<severity>] [--warning-severity=<severity>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--runtime-set key value] [--config-set key value] [--config-delete key] [--config-show]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--standard=<standard>] [--sniffs=<sniffs>] [--exclude=<sniffs>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--encoding=<encoding>] [--parallel=<processes>] [--generator=<generator>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--extensions=<extensions>] [--ignore=<patterns>] [--ignore-annotations]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--stdin-path=<stdinPath>] [--file-list=<fileList>] [--filter=<filter>] <file> - ...'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo ' - Check STDIN instead of local files and directories'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -n Do not print warnings (shortcut for --warning-severity=0)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -w Print both warnings and errors (this is the default)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -l Local directory only, no recursion'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -s Show sniff codes in all reports'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -a Run interactively'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -e Explain a standard by showing the sniffs it includes'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -p Show progress of the run'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -q Quiet mode; disables progress and verbose output'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -m Stop error messages from being recorded'.PHP_EOL; echo ' (saves a lot of memory, but stops many reports from being used)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -v Print processed files'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -vv Print ruleset and token output'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -vvv Print sniff processing information'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -i Show a list of installed coding standards'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -d Set the [key] php.ini value to [value] or [true] if value is omitted'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo ' --help Print this help message'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --version Print version information'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --colors Use colors in output'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --no-colors Do not use colors in output (this is the default)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --cache Cache results between runs'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --no-cache Do not cache results between runs (this is the default)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --ignore-annotations Ignore all phpcs: annotations in code comments'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo ' <cacheFile> Use a specific file for caching (uses a temporary file by default)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <basepath> A path to strip from the front of file paths inside reports'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <bootstrap> A comma separated list of files to run before processing begins'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <encoding> The encoding of the files being checked (default is utf-8)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <extensions> A comma separated list of file extensions to check'.PHP_EOL; echo ' The type of the file can be specified using: ext/type'.PHP_EOL; echo ' e.g., module/php,es/js'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <file> One or more files and/or directories to check'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <fileList> A file containing a list of files and/or directories to check (one per line)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <filter> Use either the "gitmodified" or "gitstaged" filter,'.PHP_EOL; echo ' or specify the path to a custom filter class'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <generator> Use either the "HTML", "Markdown" or "Text" generator'.PHP_EOL; echo ' (forces documentation generation instead of checking)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <patterns> A comma separated list of patterns to ignore files and directories'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <processes> How many files should be checked simultaneously (default is 1)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <report> Print either the "full", "xml", "checkstyle", "csv"'.PHP_EOL; echo ' "json", "junit", "emacs", "source", "summary", "diff"'.PHP_EOL; echo ' "svnblame", "gitblame", "hgblame" or "notifysend" report,'.PHP_EOL; echo ' or specify the path to a custom report class'.PHP_EOL; echo ' (the "full" report is printed by default)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <reportFile> Write the report to the specified file path'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <reportWidth> How many columns wide screen reports should be printed'.PHP_EOL; echo ' or set to "auto" to use current screen width, where supported'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <severity> The minimum severity required to display an error or warning'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <sniffs> A comma separated list of sniff codes to include or exclude from checking'.PHP_EOL; echo ' (all sniffs must be part of the specified standard)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <standard> The name or path of the coding standard to use'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <stdinPath> If processing STDIN, the file path that STDIN will be processed as'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <tabWidth> The number of spaces each tab represents'.PHP_EOL; }//end printPHPCSUsage() /** * Prints out the usage information for PHPCBF. * * @return void */ public function printPHPCBFUsage() { echo 'Usage: phpcbf [-nwli] [-d key[=value]] [--ignore-annotations] [--bootstrap=<bootstrap>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--standard=<standard>] [--sniffs=<sniffs>] [--exclude=<sniffs>] [--suffix=<suffix>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--severity=<severity>] [--error-severity=<severity>] [--warning-severity=<severity>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--tab-width=<tabWidth>] [--encoding=<encoding>] [--parallel=<processes>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--basepath=<basepath>] [--extensions=<extensions>] [--ignore=<patterns>]'.PHP_EOL; echo ' [--stdin-path=<stdinPath>] [--file-list=<fileList>] [--filter=<filter>] <file> - ...'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo ' - Fix STDIN instead of local files and directories'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -n Do not fix warnings (shortcut for --warning-severity=0)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -w Fix both warnings and errors (on by default)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -l Local directory only, no recursion'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -p Show progress of the run'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -q Quiet mode; disables progress and verbose output'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -v Print processed files'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -vv Print ruleset and token output'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -vvv Print sniff processing information'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -i Show a list of installed coding standards'.PHP_EOL; echo ' -d Set the [key] php.ini value to [value] or [true] if value is omitted'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo ' --help Print this help message'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --version Print version information'.PHP_EOL; echo ' --ignore-annotations Ignore all phpcs: annotations in code comments'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo ' <basepath> A path to strip from the front of file paths inside reports'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <bootstrap> A comma separated list of files to run before processing begins'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <encoding> The encoding of the files being fixed (default is utf-8)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <extensions> A comma separated list of file extensions to fix'.PHP_EOL; echo ' The type of the file can be specified using: ext/type'.PHP_EOL; echo ' e.g., module/php,es/js'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <file> One or more files and/or directories to fix'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <fileList> A file containing a list of files and/or directories to fix (one per line)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <filter> Use either the "gitmodified" or "gitstaged" filter,'.PHP_EOL; echo ' or specify the path to a custom filter class'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <patterns> A comma separated list of patterns to ignore files and directories'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <processes> How many files should be fixed simultaneously (default is 1)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <severity> The minimum severity required to fix an error or warning'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <sniffs> A comma separated list of sniff codes to include or exclude from fixing'.PHP_EOL; echo ' (all sniffs must be part of the specified standard)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <standard> The name or path of the coding standard to use'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <stdinPath> If processing STDIN, the file path that STDIN will be processed as'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <suffix> Write modified files to a filename using this suffix'.PHP_EOL; echo ' ("diff" and "patch" are not used in this mode)'.PHP_EOL; echo ' <tabWidth> The number of spaces each tab represents'.PHP_EOL; }//end printPHPCBFUsage() /** * Get a single config value. * * @param string $key The name of the config value. * * @return string|null * @see setConfigData() * @see getAllConfigData() */ public static function getConfigData($key) { $phpCodeSnifferConfig = self::getAllConfigData(); if ($phpCodeSnifferConfig === null) { return null; } if (isset($phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key]) === false) { return null; } return $phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key]; }//end getConfigData() /** * Get the path to an executable utility. * * @param string $name The name of the executable utility. * * @return string|null * @see getConfigData() */ public static function getExecutablePath($name) { $data = self::getConfigData($name.'_path'); if ($data !== null) { return $data; } if ($name === "php") { // For php, we know the executable path. There's no need to look it up. return PHP_BINARY; } if (array_key_exists($name, self::$executablePaths) === true) { return self::$executablePaths[$name]; } if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0) { $cmd = 'where '.escapeshellarg($name).' 2> nul'; } else { $cmd = 'which '.escapeshellarg($name).' 2> /dev/null'; } $result = exec($cmd, $output, $retVal); if ($retVal !== 0) { $result = null; } self::$executablePaths[$name] = $result; return $result; }//end getExecutablePath() /** * Set a single config value. * * @param string $key The name of the config value. * @param string|null $value The value to set. If null, the config * entry is deleted, reverting it to the * default value. * @param boolean $temp Set this config data temporarily for this * script run. This will not write the config * data to the config file. * * @return bool * @see getConfigData() * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException If the config file can not be written. */ public static function setConfigData($key, $value, $temp=false) { if (isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['runtime-set']) === true && isset(self::$overriddenDefaults['runtime-set'][$key]) === true ) { return false; } if ($temp === false) { $path = ''; if (is_callable('\Phar::running') === true) { $path = \Phar::running(false); } if ($path !== '') { $configFile = dirname($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CodeSniffer.conf'; } else { $configFile = dirname(__DIR__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CodeSniffer.conf'; if (is_file($configFile) === false && strpos('@data_dir@', '@data_dir') === false ) { // If data_dir was replaced, this is a PEAR install and we can // use the PEAR data dir to store the conf file. $configFile = '@data_dir@/PHP_CodeSniffer/CodeSniffer.conf'; } } if (is_file($configFile) === true && is_writable($configFile) === false ) { $error = 'ERROR: Config file '.$configFile.' is not writable'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } }//end if $phpCodeSnifferConfig = self::getAllConfigData(); if ($value === null) { if (isset($phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key]) === true) { unset($phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key]); } } else { $phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key] = $value; } if ($temp === false) { $output = '<'.'?php'."\n".' $phpCodeSnifferConfig = '; $output .= var_export($phpCodeSnifferConfig, true); $output .= ";\n?".'>'; if (file_put_contents($configFile, $output) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: Config file '.$configFile.' could not be written'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } self::$configDataFile = $configFile; } self::$configData = $phpCodeSnifferConfig; // If the installed paths are being set, make sure all known // standards paths are added to the autoloader. if ($key === 'installed_paths') { $installedStandards = Util\Standards::getInstalledStandardDetails(); foreach ($installedStandards as $name => $details) { Autoload::addSearchPath($details['path'], $details['namespace']); } } return true; }//end setConfigData() /** * Get all config data. * * @return array<string, string> * @see getConfigData() * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\DeepExitException If the config file could not be read. */ public static function getAllConfigData() { if (self::$configData !== null) { return self::$configData; } $path = ''; if (is_callable('\Phar::running') === true) { $path = \Phar::running(false); } if ($path !== '') { $configFile = dirname($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CodeSniffer.conf'; } else { $configFile = dirname(__DIR__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CodeSniffer.conf'; if (is_file($configFile) === false && strpos('@data_dir@', '@data_dir') === false ) { $configFile = '@data_dir@/PHP_CodeSniffer/CodeSniffer.conf'; } } if (is_file($configFile) === false) { self::$configData = []; return []; } if (Common::isReadable($configFile) === false) { $error = 'ERROR: Config file '.$configFile.' is not readable'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; throw new DeepExitException($error, 3); } include $configFile; self::$configDataFile = $configFile; self::$configData = $phpCodeSnifferConfig; return self::$configData; }//end getAllConfigData() /** * Prints out the gathered config data. * * @param array $data The config data to print. * * @return void */ public function printConfigData($data) { $max = 0; $keys = array_keys($data); foreach ($keys as $key) { $len = strlen($key); if (strlen($key) > $max) { $max = $len; } } if ($max === 0) { return; } $max += 2; ksort($data); foreach ($data as $name => $value) { echo str_pad($name.': ', $max).$value.PHP_EOL; } }//end printConfigData() }//end class