<?php namespace MailPoet\Tasks\Subscribers; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper; use MailPoet\Newsletter\Sending\ScheduledTaskSubscribersRepository; /** * @implements \Iterator<null, array> */ class BatchIterator implements \Iterator, \Countable { private $taskId; private $batchSize; private $lastProcessedId = 0; private $batchLastId; /** @var ScheduledTaskSubscribersRepository */ private $scheduledTaskSubscribersRepository; public function __construct( $taskId, $batchSize ) { if ($taskId <= 0) { throw new \Exception('Task ID must be greater than zero'); } elseif ($batchSize <= 0) { throw new \Exception('Batch size must be greater than zero'); } $this->taskId = (int)$taskId; $this->batchSize = (int)$batchSize; $this->scheduledTaskSubscribersRepository = ContainerWrapper::getInstance()->get(ScheduledTaskSubscribersRepository::class); } public function rewind(): void { $this->lastProcessedId = 0; } /** * @return mixed - it's required for PHP8.1 to prevent using ReturnTypeWillChange that cause an error in PHPStan with PHP7 */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function current() { $subscribers = $this->scheduledTaskSubscribersRepository->getSubscriberIdsBatchForTask($this->taskId, $this->lastProcessedId, $this->batchSize); $this->batchLastId = end($subscribers); return $subscribers; } /** * @return string|float|int|bool|null - it's required for PHP8.1 to prevent using ReturnTypeWillChange that cause an error in PHPStan with PHP7 */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function key() { return null; } public function next(): void { $this->lastProcessedId = $this->batchLastId; } public function valid(): bool { return $this->count() > 0; } public function count(): int { return $this->scheduledTaskSubscribersRepository->countSubscriberIdsBatchForTask($this->taskId, $this->lastProcessedId); } }