<?php function simpleMatch($x) { /* testMatchSimple */ return match ($x) { 0 => 'Zero', 1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', }; } function matchNoTrailingComma($bool) { /* testMatchNoTrailingComma */ echo match ($bool) { true => "true\n", false => "false\n" }; } function matchWithDefault($i) { /* testMatchWithDefault */ return match ($i) { 1 => 1, 2 => 2, default => 'default', }; } function matchExpressionInCondition($i) { /* testMatchExpressionInCondition */ return match (true) { $i >= 50 => '50+', $i >= 40 => '40-50', $i >= 30 => '30-40', $i >= 20 => '20-30', $i >= 10 => '10-20', default => '0-10', }; } function matchMultiCase($day) { /* testMatchMultiCase */ return match ($day) { 1, 7 => false, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 => true, }; } function matchMultiCaseTrailingCommaInCase($bool) { /* testMatchMultiCaseTrailingCommaInCase */ echo match ($bool) { false, 0, => "false\n", true, 1, => "true\n", default, => "not bool\n", }; } assert((function () { /* testMatchInClosureNotLowercase */ Match ('foo') { 'foo', 'bar' => false, 'baz' => 'a', default => 'b', }; })()); function matchInArrowFunction($x) { /* testMatchInArrowFunction */ $fn = fn($x) => match(true) { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 => 'foo', default => 'bar', }; } function arrowFunctionInMatchNoTrailingComma($x) { /* testArrowFunctionInMatchNoTrailingComma */ return match ($x) { 1 => fn($y) => callMe($y), default => fn($y) => callThem($y) }; } /* testMatchInFunctionCallParamNotLowercase */ var_dump(MATCH ( 'foo' ) { 'foo' => dump_and_return('foo'), 'bar' => dump_and_return('bar'), }); /* testMatchInMethodCallParam */ Test::usesValue(match(true) { true => $i }); /* testMatchDiscardResult */ match (1) { 1 => print "Executed\n", }; /* testMatchWithDuplicateConditionsWithComments */ echo match /*comment*/ ( $value /*comment*/ ) { // Comment. 2, 1 => '2, 1', 1 => 1, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, }; /* testNestedMatchOuter */ $x = match ($y) { /* testNestedMatchInner */ default => match ($z) { 1 => 1 }, }; /* testMatchInTernaryCondition */ $x = match ($test) { 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b' } ? /* testMatchInTernaryThen */ match ($test) { 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b' } : /* testMatchInTernaryElse */ match ($notTest) { 3 => 'a', 4 => 'b' }; /* testMatchInArrayValue */ $array = array( match ($test) { 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b' }, ); /* testMatchInArrayKey */ $array = [ match ($test) { 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b' } => 'dynamic keys, woho!', ]; /* testMatchreturningArray */ $matcher = match ($x) { 0 => array( 0 => 1, 'a' => 2, 'b' => 3 ), 1 => [1, 2, 3], 2 => array( 1, [1, 2, 3], 2, 3), 3 => [ 0 => 1, 'a' => array(1, 2, 3), 'b' => 2, 3], }; /* testSwitchContainingMatch */ switch ($something) { /* testMatchWithDefaultNestedInSwitchCase1 */ case 'foo': $var = [1, 2, 3]; $var = match ($i) { 1 => 1, default => 'default', }; continue 2; /* testMatchWithDefaultNestedInSwitchCase2 */ case 'bar' ; $i = callMe($a, $b); return match ($i) { 1 => 1, default => 'default', }; /* testMatchWithDefaultNestedInSwitchDefault */ default: echo 'something', match ($i) { 1 => 1, default => 'default', }; break; } /* testMatchContainingSwitch */ $x = match ($y) { 5, 8 => function($z) { /* testSwitchNestedInMatch1 */ switch($z) { case 'a': $var = [1, 2, 3]; return 'a'; /* testSwitchDefaultNestedInMatchCase */ default: $i = callMe($a, $b); return 'default1'; } }, default => function($z) { /* testSwitchNestedInMatch2 */ switch($z) { case 'a'; $i = callMe($a, $b); return 'b'; /* testSwitchDefaultNestedInMatchDefault */ default; $var = [1, 2, 3]; return 'default2'; } } }; /* testMatchNoCases */ // Intentional fatal error. $x = match (true) {}; /* testMatchMultiDefault */ // Intentional fatal error. echo match (1) { default => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz', default => 'qux', }; /* testNoMatchStaticMethodCall */ $a = Foo::match($param); /* testNoMatchClassConstantAccess */ $a = MyClass::MATCH; /* testNoMatchClassConstantArrayAccessMixedCase */ $a = MyClass::Match[$a]; /* testNoMatchMethodCall */ $a = $obj->match($param); /* testNoMatchMethodCallUpper */ $a = $obj??->MATCH()->chain($param); /* testNoMatchPropertyAccess */ $a = $obj->match; /* testNoMatchNamespacedFunctionCall */ // Intentional fatal error. $a = MyNS\Sub\match($param); /* testNoMatchNamespaceOperatorFunctionCall */ // Intentional fatal error. $a = namespace\match($param); interface MatchInterface { /* testNoMatchInterfaceMethodDeclaration */ public static function match($param); } class MatchClass { /* testNoMatchClassConstantDeclarationLower */ const match = 'a'; /* testNoMatchClassMethodDeclaration */ public static function match($param) { /* testNoMatchPropertyAssignment */ $this->match = 'a'; } } /* testNoMatchClassInstantiation */ $obj = new Match(); $anon = new class() { /* testNoMatchAnonClassMethodDeclaration */ protected function maTCH($param) { } }; /* testNoMatchClassDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. class Match {} /* testNoMatchInterfaceDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. interface Match {} /* testNoMatchTraitDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. trait Match {} /* testNoMatchConstantDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. const MATCH = '1'; /* testNoMatchFunctionDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. function match() {} /* testNoMatchNamespaceDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. namespace Match {} /* testNoMatchExtendedClassDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. class Foo extends Match {} /* testNoMatchImplementedClassDeclaration */ // Intentional fatal error. Match is now a reserved keyword. class Bar implements Match {} /* testNoMatchInUseStatement */ // Intentional fatal error in PHP < 8. Match is now a reserved keyword. use Match\me; function brokenMatchNoCurlies($x) { /* testNoMatchMissingCurlies */ // Intentional fatal error. New control structure is not supported without curly braces. return match ($x) 0 => 'Zero', 1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', ; } function brokenMatchAlternativeSyntax($x) { /* testNoMatchAlternativeSyntax */ // Intentional fatal error. Alternative syntax is not supported. return match ($x) : 0 => 'Zero', 1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', endmatch; } /* testLiveCoding */ // Intentional parse error. This has to be the last test in the file. echo match