<?php /** * Autoloader Generator. * * @package automattic/jetpack-autoloader */ namespace Automattic\Jetpack\Autoloader; use Composer\Composer; use Composer\Config; use Composer\Installer\InstallationManager; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Repository\InstalledRepositoryInterface; use Composer\Util\Filesystem; use Composer\Util\PackageSorter; /** * Class AutoloadGenerator. */ class AutoloadGenerator { const VERSION = '3.0.8'; /** * IO object. * * @var IOInterface IO object. */ private $io; /** * The filesystem utility. * * @var Filesystem */ private $filesystem; /** * Instantiate an AutoloadGenerator object. * * @param IOInterface $io IO object. */ public function __construct( IOInterface $io ) { $this->io = $io; $this->filesystem = new Filesystem(); } /** * Dump the Jetpack autoloader files. * * @param Composer $composer The Composer object. * @param Config $config Config object. * @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $localRepo Installed Repository object. * @param PackageInterface $mainPackage Main Package object. * @param InstallationManager $installationManager Manager for installing packages. * @param string $targetDir Path to the current target directory. * @param bool $scanPsrPackages Whether or not PSR packages should be converted to a classmap. * @param string $suffix The autoloader suffix. */ public function dump( Composer $composer, Config $config, InstalledRepositoryInterface $localRepo, PackageInterface $mainPackage, InstallationManager $installationManager, $targetDir, $scanPsrPackages = false, $suffix = null ) { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists( $config->get( 'vendor-dir' ) ); $packageMap = $composer->getAutoloadGenerator()->buildPackageMap( $installationManager, $mainPackage, $localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() ); $autoloads = $this->parseAutoloads( $packageMap, $mainPackage ); // Convert the autoloads into a format that the manifest generator can consume more easily. $basePath = $this->filesystem->normalizePath( realpath( getcwd() ) ); $vendorPath = $this->filesystem->normalizePath( realpath( $config->get( 'vendor-dir' ) ) ); $processedAutoloads = $this->processAutoloads( $autoloads, $scanPsrPackages, $vendorPath, $basePath ); unset( $packageMap, $autoloads ); // Make sure none of the legacy files remain that can lead to problems with the autoloader. $this->removeLegacyFiles( $vendorPath ); // Write all of the files now that we're done. $this->writeAutoloaderFiles( $vendorPath . '/jetpack-autoloader/', $suffix ); $this->writeManifests( $vendorPath . '/' . $targetDir, $processedAutoloads ); if ( ! $scanPsrPackages ) { $this->io->writeError( '<warning>You are generating an unoptimized autoloader. If this is a production build, consider using the -o option.</warning>' ); } } /** * Compiles an ordered list of namespace => path mappings * * @param array $packageMap Array of array(package, installDir-relative-to-composer.json). * @param PackageInterface $mainPackage Main package instance. * * @return array The list of path mappings. */ public function parseAutoloads( array $packageMap, PackageInterface $mainPackage ) { $rootPackageMap = array_shift( $packageMap ); $sortedPackageMap = $this->sortPackageMap( $packageMap ); $sortedPackageMap[] = $rootPackageMap; array_unshift( $packageMap, $rootPackageMap ); $psr0 = $this->parseAutoloadsType( $packageMap, 'psr-0', $mainPackage ); $psr4 = $this->parseAutoloadsType( $packageMap, 'psr-4', $mainPackage ); $classmap = $this->parseAutoloadsType( array_reverse( $sortedPackageMap ), 'classmap', $mainPackage ); $files = $this->parseAutoloadsType( $sortedPackageMap, 'files', $mainPackage ); krsort( $psr0 ); krsort( $psr4 ); return array( 'psr-0' => $psr0, 'psr-4' => $psr4, 'classmap' => $classmap, 'files' => $files, ); } /** * Sorts packages by dependency weight * * Packages of equal weight retain the original order * * @param array $packageMap The package map. * * @return array */ protected function sortPackageMap( array $packageMap ) { $packages = array(); $paths = array(); foreach ( $packageMap as $item ) { list( $package, $path ) = $item; $name = $package->getName(); $packages[ $name ] = $package; $paths[ $name ] = $path; } $sortedPackages = PackageSorter::sortPackages( $packages ); $sortedPackageMap = array(); foreach ( $sortedPackages as $package ) { $name = $package->getName(); $sortedPackageMap[] = array( $packages[ $name ], $paths[ $name ] ); } return $sortedPackageMap; } /** * Returns the file identifier. * * @param PackageInterface $package The package instance. * @param string $path The path. */ protected function getFileIdentifier( PackageInterface $package, $path ) { return md5( $package->getName() . ':' . $path ); } /** * Returns the path code for the given path. * * @param Filesystem $filesystem The filesystem instance. * @param string $basePath The base path. * @param string $vendorPath The vendor path. * @param string $path The path. * * @return string The path code. */ protected function getPathCode( Filesystem $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path ) { if ( ! $filesystem->isAbsolutePath( $path ) ) { $path = $basePath . '/' . $path; } $path = $filesystem->normalizePath( $path ); $baseDir = ''; if ( 0 === strpos( $path . '/', $vendorPath . '/' ) ) { $path = substr( $path, strlen( $vendorPath ) ); $baseDir = '$vendorDir'; if ( false !== $path ) { $baseDir .= ' . '; } } else { $path = $filesystem->normalizePath( $filesystem->findShortestPath( $basePath, $path, true ) ); if ( ! $filesystem->isAbsolutePath( $path ) ) { $baseDir = '$baseDir . '; $path = '/' . $path; } } if ( strpos( $path, '.phar' ) !== false ) { $baseDir = "'phar://' . " . $baseDir; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_var_export return $baseDir . ( ( false !== $path ) ? var_export( $path, true ) : '' ); } /** * This function differs from the composer parseAutoloadsType in that beside returning the path. * It also return the path and the version of a package. * * Supports PSR-4, PSR-0, and classmap parsing. * * @param array $packageMap Map of all the packages. * @param string $type Type of autoloader to use. * @param PackageInterface $mainPackage Instance of the Package Object. * * @return array */ protected function parseAutoloadsType( array $packageMap, $type, PackageInterface $mainPackage ) { $autoloads = array(); foreach ( $packageMap as $item ) { list($package, $installPath) = $item; $autoload = $package->getAutoload(); $version = $package->getVersion(); // Version of the class comes from the package - should we try to parse it? // Store our own actual package version, not "dev-trunk" or whatever. if ( $package->getName() === 'automattic/jetpack-autoloader' ) { $version = self::VERSION; } if ( $package === $mainPackage ) { $autoload = array_merge_recursive( $autoload, $package->getDevAutoload() ); } if ( null !== $package->getTargetDir() && $package !== $mainPackage ) { $installPath = substr( $installPath, 0, -strlen( '/' . $package->getTargetDir() ) ); } if ( in_array( $type, array( 'psr-4', 'psr-0' ), true ) && isset( $autoload[ $type ] ) && is_array( $autoload[ $type ] ) ) { foreach ( $autoload[ $type ] as $namespace => $paths ) { $paths = is_array( $paths ) ? $paths : array( $paths ); foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $relativePath = empty( $installPath ) ? ( empty( $path ) ? '.' : $path ) : $installPath . '/' . $path; $autoloads[ $namespace ][] = array( 'path' => $relativePath, 'version' => $version, ); } } } if ( 'classmap' === $type && isset( $autoload['classmap'] ) && is_array( $autoload['classmap'] ) ) { foreach ( $autoload['classmap'] as $paths ) { $paths = is_array( $paths ) ? $paths : array( $paths ); foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $relativePath = empty( $installPath ) ? ( empty( $path ) ? '.' : $path ) : $installPath . '/' . $path; $autoloads[] = array( 'path' => $relativePath, 'version' => $version, ); } } } if ( 'files' === $type && isset( $autoload['files'] ) && is_array( $autoload['files'] ) ) { foreach ( $autoload['files'] as $paths ) { $paths = is_array( $paths ) ? $paths : array( $paths ); foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $relativePath = empty( $installPath ) ? ( empty( $path ) ? '.' : $path ) : $installPath . '/' . $path; $autoloads[ $this->getFileIdentifier( $package, $path ) ] = array( 'path' => $relativePath, 'version' => $version, ); } } } } return $autoloads; } /** * Given Composer's autoloads this will convert them to a version that we can use to generate the manifests. * * When the $scanPsrPackages argument is true, PSR-4 namespaces are converted to classmaps. When $scanPsrPackages * is false, PSR-4 namespaces are not converted to classmaps. * * PSR-0 namespaces are always converted to classmaps. * * @param array $autoloads The autoloads we want to process. * @param bool $scanPsrPackages Whether or not PSR-4 packages should be converted to a classmap. * @param string $vendorPath The path to the vendor directory. * @param string $basePath The path to the current directory. * * @return array $processedAutoloads */ private function processAutoloads( $autoloads, $scanPsrPackages, $vendorPath, $basePath ) { $processor = new AutoloadProcessor( function ( $path, $excludedClasses, $namespace ) use ( $basePath ) { $dir = $this->filesystem->normalizePath( $this->filesystem->isAbsolutePath( $path ) ? $path : $basePath . '/' . $path ); // Composer 2.4 changed the name of the class. if ( class_exists( \Composer\ClassMapGenerator\ClassMapGenerator::class ) ) { if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) && ! is_file( $dir ) ) { return array(); } $generator = new \Composer\ClassMapGenerator\ClassMapGenerator(); $generator->scanPaths( $dir, $excludedClasses, 'classmap', empty( $namespace ) ? null : $namespace ); return $generator->getClassMap()->getMap(); } return \Composer\Autoload\ClassMapGenerator::createMap( $dir, $excludedClasses, null, // Don't pass the IOInterface since the normal autoload generation will have reported already. empty( $namespace ) ? null : $namespace ); }, function ( $path ) use ( $basePath, $vendorPath ) { return $this->getPathCode( $this->filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path ); } ); return array( 'psr-4' => $processor->processPsr4Packages( $autoloads, $scanPsrPackages ), 'classmap' => $processor->processClassmap( $autoloads, $scanPsrPackages ), 'files' => $processor->processFiles( $autoloads ), ); } /** * Removes all of the legacy autoloader files so they don't cause any problems. * * @param string $outDir The directory legacy files are written to. */ private function removeLegacyFiles( $outDir ) { $files = array( 'autoload_functions.php', 'class-autoloader-handler.php', 'class-classes-handler.php', 'class-files-handler.php', 'class-plugins-handler.php', 'class-version-selector.php', ); foreach ( $files as $file ) { $this->filesystem->remove( $outDir . '/' . $file ); } } /** * Writes all of the autoloader files to disk. * * @param string $outDir The directory to write to. * @param string $suffix The unique autoloader suffix. */ private function writeAutoloaderFiles( $outDir, $suffix ) { $this->io->writeError( "<info>Generating jetpack autoloader ($outDir)</info>" ); // We will remove all autoloader files to generate this again. $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory( $outDir ); // Write the autoloader files. AutoloadFileWriter::copyAutoloaderFiles( $this->io, $outDir, $suffix ); } /** * Writes all of the manifest files to disk. * * @param string $outDir The directory to write to. * @param array $processedAutoloads The processed autoloads. */ private function writeManifests( $outDir, $processedAutoloads ) { $this->io->writeError( "<info>Generating jetpack autoloader manifests ($outDir)</info>" ); $manifestFiles = array( 'classmap' => 'jetpack_autoload_classmap.php', 'psr-4' => 'jetpack_autoload_psr4.php', 'files' => 'jetpack_autoload_filemap.php', ); foreach ( $manifestFiles as $key => $file ) { // Make sure the file doesn't exist so it isn't there if we don't write it. $this->filesystem->remove( $outDir . '/' . $file ); if ( empty( $processedAutoloads[ $key ] ) ) { continue; } $content = ManifestGenerator::buildManifest( $key, $file, $processedAutoloads[ $key ] ); if ( empty( $content ) ) { continue; } if ( file_put_contents( $outDir . '/' . $file, $content ) ) { $this->io->writeError( " <info>Generated: $file</info>" ); } else { $this->io->writeError( " <error>Error: $file</error>" ); } } } }