import { AdminPage, AdminSection, AdminSectionHero, Container, Col, getRedirectUrl, PricingCard, } from '@automattic/jetpack-components'; import { useConnectionErrorNotice, ConnectionError } from '@automattic/jetpack-connection'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { ExternalLink } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { createInterpolateElement, useState, useEffect, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import useAnalytics from '../hooks/useAnalytics'; import useCapabilities from '../hooks/useCapabilities'; import useConnection from '../hooks/useConnection'; import { STORE_ID } from '../store'; import Backups from './Backups'; import ReviewRequest from './review-request'; import './admin-style.scss'; import './masthead/masthead-style.scss'; /* eslint react/react-in-jsx-scope: 0 */ const Admin = () => { const [ connectionStatus ] = useConnection(); const { tracks } = useAnalytics(); const { hasConnectionError } = useConnectionErrorNotice(); const connectionLoaded = 0 < Object.keys( connectionStatus ).length; const isFullyConnected = connectionLoaded && connectionStatus.hasConnectedOwner && connectionStatus.isRegistered; useEffect( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_admin_page_view' ); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [] ); const { capabilities, capabilitiesError, capabilitiesLoaded, hasBackupPlan } = useCapabilities(); return ( <AdminPage showHeader={ isFullyConnected } showFooter={ isFullyConnected } moduleName={ __( 'Jetpack Backup', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } > <div id="jetpack-backup-admin-container" className="jp-content"> <div className="content"> <AdminSectionHero> <Container horizontalSpacing={ 0 }> { hasConnectionError && ( <Col className="jetpack-connection-verified-error"> <ConnectionError /> </Col> ) } <Col> <div id="jp-admin-notices" className="jetpack-backup-jitm-card" /> </Col> </Container> <LoadedState connectionLoaded={ connectionLoaded } connectionStatus={ connectionStatus } capabilitiesLoaded={ capabilitiesLoaded } hasBackupPlan={ hasBackupPlan } capabilitiesError={ capabilitiesError } capabilities={ capabilities } isFullyConnected={ isFullyConnected } /> </AdminSectionHero> <AdminSection> { isFullyConnected && ( <BackupSegments hasBackupPlan={ hasBackupPlan } connectionLoaded={ connectionLoaded } /> ) } </AdminSection> </div> </div> </AdminPage> ); }; // Renders additional segments under the jp-hero area condition on having a backup plan const BackupSegments = ( hasBackupPlan, connectionLoaded ) => { const [ connectionStatus ] = useConnection(); const { tracks } = useAnalytics(); const domain = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getCalypsoSlug(), [] ); const trackLearnMoreClick = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_learn_more_click' ); }, [ tracks ] ); const trackSeeAllBackupsClick = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_see_all_backups_click', { site: domain } ); }, [ tracks, domain ] ); const trackSeeSiteActivityClick = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_see_site_activity_click', { site: domain } ); }, [ tracks, domain ] ); return ( <Container horizontalSpacing={ 3 } horizontalGap={ 3 }> <Col lg={ 6 } md={ 4 }> <h2>{ __( 'Restore points created with every edit', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h2> <p className="jp-realtime-note"> { createInterpolateElement( __( 'No need to run a manual backup before you make changes to your site. <ExternalLink>Learn more</ExternalLink>', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { ExternalLink: ( <ExternalLink href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-blog-realtime-mechanics' ) } onClick={ trackLearnMoreClick } /> ), } ) } </p> <h2>{ __( 'Where are backups stored?', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h2> <p> { __( 'All the backups are safely stored in the cloud and available for you at any time on, with full details about status and content.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </p> { hasBackupPlan && connectionStatus.isUserConnected && ( <p> <ExternalLink href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-backup', { site: domain } ) } onClick={ trackSeeAllBackupsClick } > { __( 'See all your backups', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </ExternalLink> </p> ) } </Col> <Col lg={ 1 } md={ 1 } sm={ 0 } /> <Col lg={ 5 } md={ 3 } sm={ 4 }> <h2>{ __( "Your site's heartbeat", 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h2> <p> { __( 'The activity log lets you see everything that’s going on with your site outlined in an organized, readable way.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </p> { hasBackupPlan && connectionStatus.isUserConnected && ( <p> <ExternalLink href={ getRedirectUrl( 'backup-plugin-activity-log', { site: domain } ) } onClick={ trackSeeSiteActivityClick } > { __( "See your site's activity", 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </ExternalLink> </p> ) } </Col> <ReviewMessage connectionLoaded={ connectionLoaded } /> </Container> ); }; const ReviewMessage = connectionLoaded => { const [ restores ] = useRestores( connectionLoaded ); const [ backups ] = useBackups( connectionLoaded ); const { tracks } = useAnalytics(); let requestReason = ''; let reviewText = ''; // Check if the site has a successful restore not older than 15 days const hasRecentSuccesfulRestore = () => { if ( restores[ 0 ] && restores[ 0 ].status === 'finished' ) { // Number of days we consider the restore recent const maxDays = 15; const daysDifference = ( new Date() - Date.parse( restores[ 0 ].when ) ) / 86400000; if ( daysDifference < maxDays ) { return true; } } return false; }; // Check if the last 5 backups were successful const hasFiveSuccessfulBackups = () => { if ( ! Array.isArray( backups ) || backups.length < 5 ) { return false; } let fiveSuccessfulBackups = true; backups.slice( 0, 5 ).forEach( backup => { if ( ! 'finished' === backup.status || ! backup.stats ) { fiveSuccessfulBackups = false; } } ); return fiveSuccessfulBackups; }; const trackSendToReview = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_new_review_click' ); }, [ tracks ] ); const tracksDismissReview = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_dismiss_review_click' ); }, [ tracks ] ); if ( hasRecentSuccesfulRestore() ) { requestReason = 'restore'; reviewText = __( 'Was it easy to restore your site?', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); } else if ( hasFiveSuccessfulBackups() ) { requestReason = 'backups'; reviewText = __( 'Do you enjoy the peace of mind of having real-time backups?', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); } const [ dismissedReview, dismissMessage ] = useDismissedReviewRequest( connectionLoaded, requestReason, tracksDismissReview ); if ( ! hasRecentSuccesfulRestore() && ! hasFiveSuccessfulBackups() ) { return null; } return ( <Col lg={ 6 } md={ 4 }> <ReviewRequest cta={ createInterpolateElement( __( '<strong>Please leave a review and help us spread the word!</strong>', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { strong: <strong></strong>, } ) } // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-backup-new-review' ) } onClick={ trackSendToReview } requestReason={ requestReason } reviewText={ reviewText } dismissedReview={ dismissedReview } // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind dismissMessage={ dismissMessage } /> </Col> ); }; const useRestores = connectionLoaded => { const [ restores, setRestores ] = useState( [] ); useEffect( () => { if ( ! connectionLoaded ) { setRestores( [] ); return; } apiFetch( { path: '/jetpack/v4/restores' } ).then( res => { setRestores( res ); }, () => { setRestores( [] ); } ); }, [ setRestores, connectionLoaded ] ); return [ restores, setRestores ]; }; const useBackups = connectionLoaded => { const [ backups, setBackups ] = useState( [] ); useEffect( () => { if ( ! connectionLoaded ) { setBackups( [] ); return; } apiFetch( { path: '/jetpack/v4/backups' } ).then( res => { setBackups( res ); }, () => { setBackups( [] ); } ); }, [ setBackups, connectionLoaded ] ); return [ backups, setBackups ]; }; const useDismissedReviewRequest = ( connectionLoaded, requestReason, tracksDismissReview ) => { const [ dismissedReview, setDismissedReview ] = useState( true ); useEffect( () => { if ( ! connectionLoaded || ! requestReason ) { return; } apiFetch( { path: '/jetpack/v4/site/dismissed-review-request', method: 'POST', data: { option_name: requestReason, should_dismiss: false, }, } ).then( res => { setDismissedReview( res ); }, () => { setDismissedReview( true ); } ); }, [ setDismissedReview, connectionLoaded, requestReason ] ); const dismissMessage = e => { e.preventDefault(); tracksDismissReview(); apiFetch( { path: '/jetpack/v4/site/dismissed-review-request', method: 'POST', data: { option_name: requestReason, should_dismiss: true, }, } ).then( setDismissedReview( true ) ); }; return [ dismissedReview, dismissMessage, setDismissedReview ]; }; const NoBackupCapabilities = () => { const { tracks } = useAnalytics(); const [ priceAfter, setPriceAfter ] = useState( 0 ); const [ price, setPrice ] = useState( 0 ); const domain = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getCalypsoSlug(), [] ); useEffect( () => { apiFetch( { path: '/jetpack/v4/backup-promoted-product-info' } ).then( res => { setPrice( res.cost / 12 ); if ( res.introductory_offer ) { setPriceAfter( res.introductory_offer.cost_per_interval / 12 ); } else { setPriceAfter( res.cost / 12 ); } } ); }, [] ); const sendToCart = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_plugin_upgrade_click', { site: domain } ); window.location.href = getRedirectUrl( 'backup-plugin-upgrade-10gb', { site: domain } ); }, [ tracks, domain ] ); const basicInfoText = __( '14 day money back guarantee.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); const introductoryInfoText = __( 'Special introductory pricing, all renewals are at full price. 14 day money back guarantee.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); return ( <Container horizontalSpacing={ 3 } horizontalGap={ 3 }> <Col lg={ 6 } md={ 6 } sm={ 4 }> <h1>{ __( 'Secure your site with a Backup subscription.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h1> <p> { ' ' } { __( 'Get peace of mind knowing that all your work will be saved, and get back online quickly with one-click restores.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </p> <ul className="jp-product-promote"> <li>{ __( 'Automated real-time backups', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li> <li>{ __( 'Easy one-click restores', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li> <li>{ __( 'Complete list of all site changes', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li> <li>{ __( 'Global server infrastructure', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li> <li>{ __( 'Best-in-class support', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li> </ul> </Col> <Col lg={ 1 } md={ 1 } sm={ 0 } /> <Col lg={ 5 } md={ 6 } sm={ 4 }> <PricingCard ctaText={ __( 'Get Jetpack Backup', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } icon="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='32' height='32' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='m21.092 15.164.019-1.703v-.039c0-1.975-1.803-3.866-4.4-3.866-2.17 0-3.828 1.351-4.274 2.943l-.426 1.524-1.581-.065a2.92 2.92 0 0 0-.12-.002c-1.586 0-2.977 1.344-2.977 3.133 0 1.787 1.388 3.13 2.973 3.133H22.399c1.194 0 2.267-1.016 2.267-2.4 0-1.235-.865-2.19-1.897-2.368l-1.677-.29Zm-10.58-3.204a4.944 4.944 0 0 0-.201-.004c-2.75 0-4.978 2.298-4.978 5.133s2.229 5.133 4.978 5.133h12.088c2.357 0 4.267-1.97 4.267-4.4 0-2.18-1.538-3.99-3.556-4.339v-.06c0-3.24-2.865-5.867-6.4-5.867-2.983 0-5.49 1.871-6.199 4.404Z' fill='%23000'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" infoText={ priceAfter === price ? basicInfoText : introductoryInfoText } // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind onCtaClick={ sendToCart } priceAfter={ priceAfter } priceBefore={ price } title={ __( 'Jetpack Backup', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } /> </Col> </Container> ); }; const LoadedState = ( { capabilitiesLoaded, hasBackupPlan, capabilitiesError, capabilities, isFullyConnected, } ) => { const [ , BackupConnectionScreen ] = useConnection(); if ( ! isFullyConnected ) { return ( <Container horizontalSpacing={ 3 } horizontalGap={ 3 }> <Col lg={ 12 } md={ 8 } sm={ 4 }> <BackupConnectionScreen /> </Col> </Container> ); } if ( ! capabilitiesLoaded ) { return null; } if ( hasBackupPlan ) { return ( <Container horizontalSpacing={ 5 } fluid> <Col> <Backups /> </Col> </Container> ); } // Render an error state, this shouldn't occurr since we've passed userConnected checks if ( capabilitiesError === 'is_unlinked' ) { return ( <Container horizontalSpacing={ 3 }> <Col lg={ 12 } md={ 8 } sm={ 4 }> <h2> { __( "Site backups are managed by the owner of this site's Jetpack connection.", 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </h2> </Col> </Container> ); } else if ( capabilitiesError === 'fetch_capabilities_failed' ) { return ( <Container horizontalSpacing={ 3 }> <Col lg={ 12 } md={ 8 } sm={ 4 }> <h2>{ __( 'Failed to fetch site capabilities', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h2> </Col> </Container> ); } else if ( Array.isArray( capabilities ) && capabilities.length === 0 ) { return <NoBackupCapabilities />; } return null; }; export default Admin;